Articles in Year 2015

Year: 2015 (Page 1 of 7)

As we grow up, things change to our interest and We plan to be so creative in our future. Some thinks to be an Engineer, Doctor, Politician and other to be a Model. So all are working to achieve their dream. But some of them are actually get the same. Because they concentrate only on their dream and they have set a goal to achieve […]

“So tell me about yourself” This is the most common question probably you all have faced during interview. Isn’t it? May be this line sounds very simple, but, it can really make you sweat especially in an interview. Make sure that whatever you share with interviewer doesn’t build your rapport but, at the same time you have the ability to show that you’re perfect fit […]

Indian education means only mugging up the subject just to secure more marks. Have we ever thought, are we acquiring knowledge from whatever we are studying? I hope the answer from majority of us will be No. Obviously, this is not the fault of students; it is only the administration that has made us the manner to take up the studies in such a way. […]

No, I am not a member of some feminist organisation and I haven’t ever gone for campaigning across the city to spread awareness about feminism, though I would love to do that someday. And no, I might not be a feminist if you go by the definition of the word in some oxford dictionary. I don’t even bother to check that. But yes, if I […]

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For a very long time I underwent through, A pain that was very true. Just hiding it was not helping, Because somewhere inside I was terribly sulking… Choking inside, Crying at nights. Past memories haunting me, Like a nightmare all the time… Nobody heard my cries, As I was silently weeping. All they could see, Was a smile that I was faking… Pain increased, And […]

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