Categories: Beauty Tips

5 Building Blocks for More Naturally Healthy Skin

The skin is the largest organ in the human body, and it is often the most neglected. Dehydration, time spent in the sun, and the cold winter months can all take their toll on your skin. Dry skin is uncomfortable, and it will likely show wrinkles and other signs of aging earlier than it should. Many products are out there claiming to help skin, but often they’re full of chemicals that can do more damage than good. Instead, start taking better care of your skin today with these natural tips.

Drink More Water

The human body is made of 75 percent water. Without enough water, the sun and wind quickly whisk the water in your skin away. One of the first signs of chronic dehydration is dry, itchy skin. Because of this, you’re especially likely to experience dry skin in the winter and summer.

Most health experts recommend drinking at least 64 ounces of water each day. Flavoring water with crushed fresh fruit or other add-ins can make it more palatable for those who don’t like water. Just make sure that there isn’t too much sugar in the water.

Eat a Healthy Diet with Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids keep your skin healthy and hydrated. Many people shy away from using anything with the word “fatty” in it, but some healthy oils are actually essential for your skin, because it needs a thin layer of fat to keep in functioning correctly. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation, prevent too much water from being evaporated from the skin, and decrease wrinkles.

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in many healthy foods, including salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds, and tuna. A well-rounded diet, which includes lean meats, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, will provide the minerals and nutrients necessary for healthy skin.

Don’t Use Harsh Cleansers

Cleaning your skin regularly removes dirt, toxins and excess oil on the skin. However, after stepping out of the shower or washing your face, you may notice an uncomfortable tightness in your skin. This is often due to harsh cleansers stripping your skin of its natural hydration.

Mild, natural cleansers are the best option for cleansing. Harsh cleansers may seem like they will get the job done fast, but they often damage delicate skin. Choose mild cleansers to use once a day or every other day to cleanse the skin without drying it out.

Use the Right Lotions

Cleansing removes oil from the skin. Without these oils, your skin will dry. Natural lotions restore these oils to the skin. Before purchasing any lotions, make sure to read the label on the lotion bottle. Harsh chemicals can make skin drier than it was before. Natural lotions are the best options.

Your daily moisturizer should also have sunscreen in it. Using a daily sunscreen will help prevent sunburns and premature aging that can be caused by the harsh rays of the sun.

Exercise Regularly

Getting regular exercise is important for your heart, mental health, and skin. Getting exercise helps the body open the pores and sweat out built-up toxins. Regular exercise also improves circulation, which improves the texture of the skin.

Taking the time to care for your skin is an important aspect of self-care. These tips will help make your skin glow and give you the confidence you need every day.

By Anita Ginsburg
who is a freelance writer and residing in Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University, and now writes articles about health, business, family and finance. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. When repairing damaged skin, she recommends looking for a face cream with natural ingredients, like Colorado Mountain Creams.

Member since July, 2019
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