Yoga Articles

We at Inspiring MeMe allow expert authors and professionals in Yoga segment to share the latest stories, articles and developments in the field. Our strict quality protocol ensures all our articles on Yoga are high in content, informative, helpful and insightful. Stay assured, with us you read only the best.

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Articles on Yoga Category (Page 2 of 5)

Are you seeing some signs of aging on your face? Perhaps you want to prevent them before they even happen. While aging is normal and inevitable, there are ways you can take to slow down the appearance of sunken cheeks and furrowed brows. If you practice yoga and have perfected the child’s pose, you may be interested in doing face yoga to plump up your […]

If you incorporate spiritual practices like meditation into your life, you’ve probably heard of group meditations. That’s when a group of people comes together to meditate. This activity has even been the subject of research studies over the years. What would happen if a group of people wanted to bring that same sense of mass consciousness to doing yoga online? You’ll get Glo, a way […]

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  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

It is not always easy to relax or exercise when you have a busy schedule. Luckily, you can take yoga online to help you calm your mind and body while staying healthy and fit. One platform that makes it easier to get in your yoga session is Glo. Glo was established in 2007 as a way to make yoga and meditation accessible to as many […]

Since its introduction, Yoga has been considered that type of work out that requires all parts of the body. It involves a mind and body workout such that the body is stretched and strengthened while the mind is its full height of relaxation and meditation. According to Yogi Bhajan, women’s vibes tend to be 16 times more powerful than men’s during their period thereby causing […]

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Breathing is the technique that carries the most crucial element for living, Oxygen, through our body and supplies it to all the organs. Breathing also helps to remove the toxins from the body for a healthy being. On an average, a person takes around 12-20 breaths in a minute which is the ideal breath rate for optimal health. But with conscious breathing through pranayama, meditation […]

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