Categories: Health & Fitness

Dengue Fever – Treating Ailment with Herbal Home Remedies

Fever is characterized into different types – yellow fever, viral fever etc., but, when it comes to the severe and most widespread viruses affecting millions of people each year, then DENGU FEVER is one among the worst. The catastrophe that it causes is unexplainable and the ultimate result is nothing but, death. The virus is being transferred from one patient to the other individual by mosquitoes as the carrier. Breakbone Fever is the symptom of dengue fever which includes body aches, sudden onset of fever, muscle pain, headaches and skin rashes closely resembling to measles. Dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock are the two more fatal forms of dengue fever. The formal results in bleeding and severe platelet decline, whereas, the latter results in a dangerous fall in blood pressure. Though there is no actual vaccination for dengue fever, apart from the secondary treatment, some of the herbal and home remedies are available for instant treatment and has been proved to be effective in major extent.

Prevention is the most effective treatment. You must try to follow some of the preventive strategies like eliminating stagnant water as that is the major area where mosquito breed, apply mosquito repellenat on your exposed skin, try to cover your body fully with clothes, make sure that your sleeping area is fully closed., use mosquito nets etc.

In case if you are affected with the dengue fever, try to follow some effective home remedies listed below:

Home Remedies for Dengue Fever

Barley grass, neem leaves, papaya, coriander, orange juice, water, basal leaves, pomegranate juice and fenugreek are some of the most effective home remedies for dengue fever:

  • Barley Grass: Barley grass can enhance the rise in the body’s blood platelet count by invigorating the production of more blood cells. Decrease in the platelet count is the serious effect in dengue fever. You can either drink barley tea or directly eat barley grass and can see significant increase in blood count.
  • Neem leaves: Soak neem leaves and drink the broth. You can finally see a drastic increase in both platelet count and white blood cells. This neem liquid drink can improve the immune system and return your strength much faster than other home remedies.
  • Papaya Leaves: Papaya leaves are known to be the natural cure of dengue fever. The complex blend of organic compounds and nutrients can cause sudden rise in platelet count, vitamin C helps in stimulating immune system and antioxidants reduce oxidative stress eliminating excess toxins ion blood. Crush the leaves and strain the juice with cloth to drink pure juice. In order to preserve its strength, the juice should be taken raw without any alterations, or mixing anything or boiling.
  • Orange Juice: Presence of antioxidants and vitamins in orange juice makes it ideal in treating secondary symptoms of dengue fever. It promotes antibodies of immune system, increases urination and release toxins.
  • Water: Drinking excess water water can keep the body hydrated helping to flush and eliminate excess toxins. It will replace fluid loss and bring down the body temperature.
  • Try to avoid solid food until fever is gone. Replace it with enough of liquid diet and juices.
  • Basil/Tulsi leaves: Boiled tulsi served with warm drink like tea can prevent the outbreak of dengue. Try to chew 10-15 basil leaves a day or boil in 200 ml water in slow flame. When half the quantity is left, it can be consumes 2-3 times a day.
  • In order to increase blood count, black grape juice or pomegranate juice can be taken.

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