Categories: Diet & Nutrition

Grapes – Its Nutritional Breakdown and Health Benefits

Science has come out with the fact that Grapes has been proved to be beneficial for human health. Grapes varying in colors – red, green and black, all are natural source of a beneficial compound, i.e. polyphenols, also known as antioxidants. Grape polyphenols is helpful in protecting the health and cells’ functionality.  It contributes to a healthy heart, and may help to fight against a variety of age-related and other illnesses.  Grapes are actually considered to be a berry.

Nutritional Breakdown

The average serving size for grapes about one cup, or 32 grapes contains 104 calories, 1.09 grams of protein, 10 micrograms of vitamin A, 1.4 grams of fiber, 4.8 milligrams of vitamin C, 288 milligrams of potassium, 0.24 grams of fat, 0.54 milligrams of iron and 3 micrograms of folate and virtually no sodium. Grapes are high in water content and good for hydration. It contains 70 milliliters of fluid per cup.

Grapes are high in antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin that play important role for healthy eye, while skin of red grapes contain the phytochemical resveratrol. Flavonoids myricetin and quercetin in grapes help the body to counter-act harmful free radical formation.

Health Benefits of Grapes

Many studies have shown that increasing consumption of plant foods like grapes decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality.

Named as super food, Grapes also have some special components that make them even more beneficial for our health, reducing the risk of the following conditions:


Grapes contain powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols, which plays major role in slowing down or restricting many types of cancer, including lung, esophageal, mouth, endometrial, pharynx, pancreatic, prostate and colon. The resveratrol found in red wine is a type of polyphenol found in the skins of red grapes is beneficial for healthy heart.

Heart Disease:

The flavonoid quercetin is a natural anti-inflammatory that can minimize the risk of atherosclerosis and protect against the damage caused by low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Quercetin also has anti-cancer effects; but still study is being done on human subjects in order to get confirmation results. The high polyphenol content in grapes have the strong tendency reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by preventing platelet build-up and reducing blood pressure through anti inflammatory mechanism. The fiber and potassium in grapes also enhance heart health.

High Blood Pressure:

Because of their high potassium content, grapes are highly recommended to high blood pressure patients to help neutralize the effects of sodium in the body.


Fiber content in grapes is essential for minimizing constipation. They are believed as a laxative food, as they are rich in organic acid, sugar, organic acid as well as polyose. They conjointly relieve chronic constipation by toning up the stomach.


Because of the anti-inflammatory effects of quercetin, consuming grapes may help to rid away symptoms of allergies including runny nose, watery eyes and hives.

Diabetic Neuropathy and Retinopathy:

A few studies have shown that resveratrol can protect against diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy, a conditions caused by poorly controlled diabetes where vision is severely affected. Researchers have also found resveratrol to be beneficial for treating Alzheimer’s disease, relieving hot flashes and mood swings associated with menopause and improving blood glucose control. They are also helpful in enhancing the healthy brain and delaying the onset of other neurodegenerative diseases.

Breast Cancer:

Recent study says, purple colored grape juice is efficient in restricting breast cancer. During an experiment, significant reduction in breast tumor mass was seen after the person was fed with the grape juice on a daily basis.

Blood Cholesterol:

Pterostilbene, a compound in grapes helps to lower the cholesterol levels.


Grapes have high assimilatory power which boost in lowering the level of moisture present in lungs. Grapes are known for high therapeutic value for asthma.


Migraine can be treated using grapes. In fact, ripe grape juice is a decade old remedy for treating migraine. The ripe juice should be taken pure, without adding water to it early in the morning.

Young appearance:

Green grapes fasten the process of metabolism and induce perspiration, thus giving skin a young looking radiant appearance.

Protection against Sunburns:

The skinny part of grapes as well as seeds extract possess resveratrol  and pro anthocyanidins and, powerful antioxidants. Applying extract of grape seed on the skin provides relief against harmful ultraviolet radiation. It works as a sunscreen, by diminishing the redness caused due to sunburn and also reduces the damage caused by the skin cells.

Anti aging Benefits:

The antioxidants present in grapes in conjunction with vitamin C, protect the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals, and treat the wrinkles and dark spots. Grapes also help in toning the skin.

Supporting Men’s Health:

Prostate enlargement is a significant concern for men. According to the studies consuming grapes helps to protect against the bladder function loss associated with a partial obstruction (enlarged prostate).  Adding grapes to the diet provided a strong antioxidant effect and membrane-protective properties that significantly reduced and reversed bladder damage caused by a partial obstruction.

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