Categories: Home Remodeling

How to Use Glass Bottles as Room Design

The glass bottles in your home should not be thrown out. You can still think of ways to recycle these seemingly unusable materials. You just have to be more creative and find areas of the home where you can use custom liquor bottles as decor. Gather your bottles and read this list of tips on how to use glass bottles as decoration for your home.

Ideas on How to Decorate with Glass Bottles

Place them on the table

Do you look at the tables in your home and you feel that something is missing? How about using glass bottles as centerpieces and placing them on the table? The great thing about glass bottles is that they come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. You do not have to give that much effort to designing the bottles because they are lovely designs on their own.

For consul tables and side tables, you can use multiple bottles with various colors to make the whole design more organic and stylish.

If you have tables outside your home like on your patio or backyard, you may also put glass bottles on them for a more rustic style of dining.

Put them on the windows

Glass bottles may come in various hues. To have different color reflections, you can use custom liquor bottles with the colors of your choice. Sunlight that is hitting the bottles can strike the glass surfaces at different angles and provide amazing spectrums of color inside the house.

Seeing colorful bottles can also attract positive energy inside the home because of the joy that they bring the guests. These bottles can lighten and brighten up the mood in no time.

For this design, it is recommended to use the same size of bottles for uniformity. If the lined-up bottles can fill up the windowsill, it would be great because of the full-color reflections.

Use vintage bottles as designs

Do you have any old glass bottles lying around? Vintage glass bottles are great add-ons to rooms, especially in areas where you want to emphasize the theme that you have picked for that specific section. Take a look at the attic or basement of your grandparents’ home and you will find used old bottles which you can clean up and place on corner or consul tables.

Paint bottles with different colors

You can also have fun with the old bottles that you have at home by painting on them. Aside from a typical canvas or paper, you can use glass bottles as a masterpiece for your painting conceptualizations. Mix the bottles with different shapes and sizes for variety.

Make sure that you use the kind of paint that will stick to the glass surface of the bottles. Not using the right one can negatively affect the quality of paint on the bottles.

Put flowers in it

You do not have to buy new vases for your flowers and greens. You can recycle old bottles and use them as flower holders. You can partner the color of the flower with the same color as the bottle. You can also add drama by using contrasting colors.

Glass Bottles in Container


You can actually use many normal items in the house to design living rooms, dining rooms, and even bedrooms. Your creativity is the limit. Use custom liquor bottles with the colors of your choice and place them on one section of the house. Make the most of some of the different kinds of bottles along with other recyclables and turn them into usable decor on the wall. Explore your home and make designs of your home an expression of your personality.

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