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New Year 2016: Time To Take New Resolution Again!

A Warm Wishes of Happy New Year to all! It’s the year 2016, and the time has come for you to make New Year’s resolution again that you eventually break as usual. Finally quit smoking? To become a better cook? Or whatever else be the resolution, you know well that you’re probably going to fail and that list of beautiful aspirational goals remain unfulfilled. Sorry!

Sure, we all have great intentions when we set New Year’s resolution each year, but, always get forgotten or derailed. Surprise, Surprise! It definitely takes whole lot more effort to stick on New Year’s resolution than just jotting them down on fancy list. It is also true that the better we feel on our new resolution, the less likely we actually will. So, what you should do instead?

Make sure that your goal is small and easily manageable. Try to document your success, tell others about your intentions etc.

Following this complete list, you can easily help yourself in sticking on new resolution:

• If possible, try to make only one resolution.
• Think about your resolutions in prior and take some time to reflect on them.
• Avoid re-visiting past failures and concentrate on new ones.
• Try to focus on what you actually want without getting diverted with what’s in trend.
• Keep giving yourself a small reward as soon as you progress every step towards your goal.

If you are concerned on making only one resolution per year, it would definitely help you sticking on it. Consider making that single resolution to have great impact on life, family and career. This one goal will exemplify several mini goals. Often a time we’re more ambitious and take up grand resolutions. It’s better to break down your goals into small steps and then try to resolve those one or two steps. When trying to make big change in your life, make sure that you dig deep to make it happen. Whatever be your resolution, it’s better to have teammate with you either in the form of a supportive friend or a family member who can easily put tab on your progress. Remind yourself regularly about the goal that you have set at the beginning of the year. Simply making resolution is not at all enough, you have to believe that you are going to stick upon it.

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