Spiritual Strength: How to Become More in Tune with Your True Self

Spirituality is thirsty to have a sense of peace and purpose. An opening of the heart is an essential aspect of true spirituality. Finding yourself is one of the best days anyone lives for as you open a stream of possibilities within you. You begin to settle to your true self when you realize your value is not to be compromised with. Self-compassion is the first step to being true to yourself by seeing yourself through the eyes of love. Here are some of the habits you can follow to be true to yourself.

How to Be True to Yourself

Comparison is the thief of happiness and being true to yourself in an inarguable task that needs to be attended. Real spiritual strength comes from many various sources. Remember to always use your resources that are available to you. Reconnecting to your true self gives you the freedom to unlock new opportunities. Do you wonder how you can start a journey to show up to your true self? Here are some helpful guidelines.

Pay Attention to Your Feelings

Life is all about sharing the good and bad moments. At times it gets tough, and often we live in survival mode by ignoring the bad feelings to keep on pushing. Avoidance of a feeling and emotion is a sign that you are trying to disconnect from your true self. Therefore permit yourself to feel all the emotions no matter the pain or the fears beside them. Going through it is the first step of courage to reflect on your inner self to find purpose.

Come up With a Morning Ritual

During morning hours, your mind is fresh and relaxed. Therefore this the perfect time to reflect on yourself before you start your day. Take your time to nourish your mind by either reading a book or connecting to your creator. Most spiritual advice states that morning hours are the best to do your prayers and read The Bible. Also, being aware of the divine truth of God is being able to identify your true self since we were created in the image of God.

Focus on Good Vibes

Good vibes are all about welcoming all the positive energy in your space. Also, thinking positively plays a big role in how truly you can show up to yourself and associate with others. Positive thought will reduce stress and help you create a peaceful environment for your spirit to live.

Pursue What Makes You Happy

Identify what makes your rhythm of heartbeats high and go for it. Finding what you love doing and indulging in it mote happen is true happiness. Make a schedule that helps you follow activities that light up your soul on fire.

Connecting to your true self is the greatest purpose you can chase in life. There is peace by simply finding your true self. Start each day by believing you lovable and valuable and your enough. May you feel your vibration and connect yourself to your own truth.

By Rachelle Wilber
who is a freelance writer and residing in San Diego, California area. Rachelle finds an interest in all topics and have Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Media Studies.

Member since September, 2018
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