dentistry for kids
  • The Best Personal Hygiene Habits to Develop In Children

  • Published By:
  • Category: Health & Fitness
  • Published Date: December 8, 2020
  • Modified Date: December 8, 2020
  • Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Dentistry for Kids

It is the habits that we teach our children in their younger years that define what they grow up to become. Not just communication, preferences, and interpersonal skills, but also hygiene habits are an important part of growing up. This is why it often comes upon parents to teach the children the right habits as their curious years may bring them in contact with things that may not be good for their health.

Learning from the right age what is good and what is harmful may help inculcate the right set of behaviour in children, helping them make more intelligent life decisions in the future. As responsible adults, we are all thankful to our elders teaching us all the right things when the time is right. So if you have young children in your homes right now, this is the right time to teach them the importance of personal hygiene.

Why is Personal Hygiene Important?

In the growing years of a child, 2 things work simultaneously:

  • Children are curious souls who want to know more about their surroundings through interaction
  • Their young bodies are still learning to cope with various bodily mechanisms, which is why getting sick at this age may cause issues later in life

Since we cannot, and should not stop children from being curious, it is important to make sure that they follow proper hygiene practices so that they don’t catch anything troublesome as they learn and grow. The best way to teach them is to make sure that they learn all the necessary common practices from an early age, the most important ones being these:

Important Hygiene Habits for Children


Food is important because it is the fuel they need to keep going throughout the day and help them grow in their formative years. When you are starting out as a parent that provides them with the food they eat, make sure you tell them about bacteria and germs that cause problems like diarrhea, vomiting, or stomach pains. Teach them how these germs spread so that when they grow up, they learn to do the things the right way. Also, make sure that they also learn the right practices of storing and segregating food based on its nature.

Hand Hygiene

Dirty hands are the primary source of germs that children may end up consuming. Washing hands must be an important part of their regimen irrespective of what they are doing, especially before and after meals. In fact, give them a clear list of things that absolutely require them to wash their hands before and/or after. Plus, since our nails catch the most dirt under them, it is important to teach children the importance of keeping their nails trimmed and not to bite their nails.

hand hygiene for kids

Hand Hygiene for Kids

Sleeping Habits

Sleep is the way the body repairs and rejuvenates itself after a long day of working. Sleep hygiene simply means having enough rest in the night and on proper hours. It is imperative for children to learn early on that bed is only for sleeping, not for eating, working, or watching TV. It is also important to set the right bed timings for children.

Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene is actually one of the most important aspects of overall health as it concerns not just what we eat, but also how we look and talk. Teach children about dental issues like cavities, bad breath, and oral diseases, while also teaching them the importance of brushing and flossing. Also take them to the best dentist in Delhi NCR regularly to stay on top of their oral health.

Hair Care

Proper hair care is important in children to avoid dandruff, lice, and scalp infections, most of which can lead to hair loss in their later life. Most of these things can come to your child through communication from other children. Teach them the right habits of shampooing, oiling, and tying up long hair for the best health of their hair.


Regular baths are important because that is how we keep ourselves clean. As a child, while you are bathing them, make sure that they pay attention to what you are doing, so when they start doing it on their own, they know what is necessary. Also, make sure that you state the importance of bathing twice in a day.

Toilet Hygiene

The bathroom has the most germs in the entire house, which is why it is important for your child to maintain hygiene and stay clean as much as possible. Teach them to clean themselves properly, flush on their own, wash hands immediately after, and to be not dependent on electronic devices while using the toilet.

Foot Hygiene

Smelly feet is something that nobody likes. We get them because of the bacteria buildup that comes with sweat in our feet, which is not a good sign of things. Make sure that your child washes their feet while bathing, getting between the toes and under the nails, and use moisturizer on their feet to keep them soft.

General Hygiene

While all of these tips are specifics, concerning a part of their life, general hygiene like only wearing clean clothes, maintaining a level of cleanliness, picking up after him/her, and helping to clean around the house is equally important.

Another thing to remember here is that while most of these habits will take time to develop, it is also important for you to follow these yourselves if you want them to learn. Children learn through imitation, and if they see you following these, they will follow suit as well.

Clove Dental

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