small business loan
  • 4 Loans that can be of Great Help to Small Businesses

  • Published By:
  • Category: Finance
  • Published Date: October 11, 2017
  • Modified Date: May 12, 2020
  • Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Small Business Loan

Small businesses play an important role in the Indian economy. Small businesses employ the second largest workforce in our country next to the agricultural sector. As a result, there are a number of financing options which make it easy for small business to survive and continue with their venture. There are a wide variety of customized small business loans available in the market.

In this blog, we discuss the different types of small business loans that are available in the market. Read on.

Term Finance

Term finance is a very useful loan for small businesses, which can be easily disbursed. The loan is quite useful for service providers, manufacturers, traders and distributors. The small business loan helps to fast track the growth of business and also increases profit margin to a large extent. The loan is an efficient way to acquire business funding when you need to meet some short-term requirements and ensure that there is a continuous flow of money to the business.

Supply Chain Finance

Small business need to work with a number of suppliers for the smooth functioning of the business. Any delay in payment can cause a lot of harm to the business. In such a scenario, supply chain finance can be of great help. The small business loan has been designed to especially help small and medium business owners. The loan takes care of any type of cash crunch by providing finance. The finance option liquidates SME bills into cash and is a profitable way to put money into your business. The finance option collates outstanding bills of your business and procures an advance of up to 80%.

Online Seller Finance

With online sales growing exponentially, there is always a demand for finance. Online seller finance is a type of loan that is provided to the e-commerce industry. B2B and B2C businesses can use this finance to expand their business, surge ahead of competition and also diversify new product categories with the help of this online seller finance. The collateral free finance ensures that you get the required money without any delay.

Pay Later

This type of finance is ideal for small businesses. Small businesses need to make payments regularly to fulfill orders or make payments to suppliers. This type of small business loan benefits businesses that can avail large amount of cash discounts from their suppliers.

Last Few Words

Those were some of the types of small business loans that you can avail for your business. However, before applying for a small business loan, ensure that you read all the terms and conditions carefully.

Amit Sharma

By Amit Sharma
who is associated with Cash Suvidha.

Member since August, 2017
View all the articles of Amit Sharma.

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