vehicles for logistics startups
  • 4 Ways to Find Vehicles For Your Logistics Startup

  • Published By:
  • Category: Automotive
  • Published Date: June 22, 2018
  • Modified Date: May 13, 2020
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Vehicles for Logistics Startups

It is never easy to begin something and when it comes to a business expedition, then brace yourself, you will have to face a lot of obstacles and hardships. But the one who survives all of that and manages to make sane decisions to surmount all the problems, emerges as the winner! You may not yet be a brand name in the market you are entering, but who knows, you may be the next Walmart, Adidas or Chanel! What it all takes is just the right planning, the right decisions and honest hard work!

Whatever field you choose to begin with your venture, you must spend a good amount of time in researching about it. Talking particularly about the transport business, it is crucial to know how you can become a market player in it. Logistics is one of the dimensions of the transport business that you may choose to excel and make a career in it. It is a recent phenomenon that logistics has started to become a full-fledged business option and that startups are coming ahead with better management and facilities to provide to other businesses.

If you are thinking to begin with your own logistics start up, then let us help you find ways to gather your fleet.

Buying your own new vehicles –

The first and possibly seeming the easiest way out is having your own vehicles! But, this of course seems to be the least feasible as well for obvious reasons. If you do not have the kind of investment it requires, then this option is out of the kitty already. Depending upon the nature of business, what you can still do is buy a couple of vehicles initially and then slowly and gradually adding up more to your fleet as the business grows.

Buying old, used vehicles –

The next option you have to establish your fleet of vehicles is that you choose to buy old, already used ones. Yes, this also requires a good deal of money but it is still less as compared as to the first option. Here, you have two choices to make- you can either buy your cars or vans or trucks from individual sellers and contact them, make the deal and go through the same process of buying and negotiating repeatedly, or you have the second option of choosing to talk to firms like Malcolm Taylor Commercials who deal in old, used vehicles and can be your one stop destination for buying as many trucks or vans as possible. Not only this, you can also get a lot of other maintenance services which you won’t get in the first option at all.

Renting your vehicle –

A lot of times it happens in a logistics business that the kind of funding you have is not fit for both the options above. Also, it does not seem feasible owing to the current condition of the business, you might not think that it is a good idea to use this kind of money in just one aspect of the business. Then you can choose this third option of renting your vehicles from another company. Again, you have both the options of renting the vehicles from individual owners or contact a service that can provide you with as many vehicles as you require in one go.

Leasing vehicles –

This is also a good option that is a part of your kitty. A lot of times, you do not want to get into the hassle of negotiating with individual sellers or renters over and over again, having to deal with the vehicle maintenance singlehandedly and also paying the rent at a fixed interval of time. This can be escaped when you choose to take vehicles on a lease for a fixed period of time. The advantages are that you have to pay just once, the maintenance responsibility can be shared by both, and also you will not have to get into negotiations repeatedly.

Suzanne Elly

By Suzanne Elly
who is a blogger, content marketer and editor with experience in a diverse range of industries. Her work has been published in various blogs, websites, and magazines on the web. Suzanne has in-depth experience writing on business and marketing topics in Asia, North America and Europe. When not writing, Suzanne can usually be found voraciously reading or caring for her three kids, Whinney, Adam, and Alex.

Member since June, 2018
View all the articles of Suzanne Elly.

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