employee time clock systems
  • Efficient Biometric Clocking System: An Alternative way to Manage Time and Attendance

Featured Image Caption: Employee Time Clock Systems

Technology has transformed many things around us. One of the key objectives of reliance on technology is to automate the process and ensure fewer or no errors at all. In any organisation, attendance management and time management are a tedious task. Manually handling all the information and managing it can lead to errors and flaws. It is a time-consuming process; however, you can easily manage the attendance system with an efficient biometric clocking system.

What is A Biometric Clocking System?

The biometric clocking system is a fast and efficient way to track attendance. These are becoming an industry standard and a mandatory part of any organisation. If you plan to have a system wherein you can quickly track the employee hours and their payroll management, this is the right system for your requirement. Irrespective of modality, an efficient biometric clocking system ensures that there is no time-theft, reduces the probability of errors, and cuts on the administration cost, which is an offshoot of cost purchase of RFID tokens, punch cards, etc.

Key Features to Consider When Buying A Biometric Clocking System:

If you are planning to invest in an efficient biometric clocking system, then certain features should not miss your eye. We are enumerating a few of the important features that must be there in an efficient clocking system:

1. Storage Capacity:

Biometric clocking system can work in recognition of fingerprint or eye’s retina. They will store the information in the system; hence, you need to check the biometric attendance system’s storage capacity. Even if you have lesser employees, you need to choose a system that has more capacity. Biometric time clock allows easy tracking of in and out time.

2. 360◦ Verification Angle:

Most of the employees are in a hurry, whether they are clocking in or out. To ensure that you do not miss the detail, you need to invest in an efficient clocking system with a 360◦ verification angle. It identifies fingerprints of the employee’s finger on the optical sensor.

3. Promptness of the System:

An efficient biometric clocking system is recognised by its promptness to recognise the fingerprint or retina. The system must instantly recognise the fingerprint.

facial recognition time attendance system

Facial Recognition Time Attendance System

4. Instant Connectivity:

The biometric clocking system must connect with the internet since the information transmitted via the biometric system to the storage, instant internet connectivity. With a seamless internet connection, the fingerprint is instantly transmitted to the system.

5. Integration with the Payroll Management System:

An efficient biometric clocking system must be integrated with the payroll management system. The data from the tracker plays an integral role in enhancing the efficiency of the payroll management system. It will be easier for the payroll team to compute salary accurately and quickly with accurate attendance details. You must check the system and ensure that the data is directly transferred from the system to the payroll software. It eventually simplifies the payroll calculation.


These are some key features you should look for when investing in a biometric clocking system. There are many service providers out there, but you must consider the above factors for choosing the one. As you explore the high-end models, you will find that they load these systems with many features. You can choose the one that matches your business requirement and then invest in it.

Biometric systems have become a new norm in the business, and most of the companies are switching to a biometric system for attendance. If you have still not switched to it, this is the right to make your investment in it.

Kiera Peterson

By Kiera Peterson
who is residing in Australia.

Member since February, 2020
View all the articles of Kiera Peterson.

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