signs your air conditioner needs to be replaced
  • 5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Old AC Unit

Featured Image Caption: Signs Your Air Conditioner needs to be Replaced

The weather is warming up, and soon you and your family will be depending on the AC again to keep your home cool and comfortable. However, if your AC unit isn’t doing its job, you and your family could find it to be a miserable summer. To prevent that, here are some signs to look for that tells you it’s time to replace your old AC unit.

Warm Air

Warm air blowing out through your vents is probably the most obvious sign of a failing unit.It can become frustrating during a hot day to have your AC running but still not doing its job or working to its fullest capacity. You’ll definitely feel the hot air rising in a two-story home. If you put your hand in front of the vents and you don’t feel the cool air that should be running, it’s probably time to replace your AC with a newer model.

High Energy Bills

Though you might be able to feel some cool air coming from your unit, an outrageous electric bill is a sign of an AC that is working too hard. Inefficient units also do not adequately cool your home, so it’s a lose-lose situation. A new unit will have a higher SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio), and you will get more bang for your buck. A more efficient unit becomes critical during the hot and humid months of the year. Additionally, a more efficient unit will reduce both your monthly bills and your carbon footprint.

Unusual Sounds

If your air conditioner sounds like garbage disposal when it’s running, it could be a sign of it’s upcoming demise. Noises can reflect serious issues such as a slipping belt, a broken compressor, or a failing fan. More intense screaming sounds could indicate a refrigerant leak, and this issue should be tackled right away by residential air conditioning contractors. A noisy AC is irritating, and in addition to improving your home’s cooling system, a new unit will make your home a calmer and more restful place to be.


Most homeowners are hopeful that their AC unit will last for decades, but it’s not the reality. The average lifespan of an air conditioner is between ten to fifteen years. Repairs at this stage of your AC’s lifecycle are usually costly and not worth the investment. You are better off putting your money towards a more efficient unit that will give you a better return on investment.

Poor Air Flow

You will notice poor air movement with a failing air conditioning unit. Lack of airflow could be caused by many costly problems, such as a compressor or blocked vents. In these cases, it is probably more efficient to replace the unit rather than try to repair it, as at that point, you’ll probably have more problems with it in the near future.

A broken air conditioner is one of the most devastating home system breakdowns, especially as summer approaches. Pay attention to the warning signs before you have to go through the frustration of the experience of a bad AC. You’ll be enjoying the comfort of a cool home as you sip a glass of cold lemonade on the couch.

Anita Ginsburg

By Anita Ginsburg
who is a freelance writer and residing in Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University, and now writes articles about health, business, family and finance. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. When you start having issues with your AC unit, Anita recommends seeking out residential air conditioning contractors

Member since July, 2019
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