black calculator near ballpoint pen and bill on table
  • Advice for Someone in Financial Debt

  • Published By:
  • Category: Finance
  • Published Date: March 13, 2023
  • Modified Date: March 13, 2023
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Black Calculator Near Ballpoint Pen and Bill on Table

Debt can be a powerful tool that lets you finance things you couldn’t afford otherwise, such as a home or a vehicle. However, it can also become a tremendous burden. Whether your debt is useful to you or taking over your life, you could probably use all the advice you can get on managing and possibly even getting out of it. From daily tricks to long-term strategies, there are plenty of things you can do.

Actionable Debt Advice You Can Use

The first thing you should do when trying to manage your debt better is to make the most of every single dollar you have. Your expenditures should directly reflect your income, where you spend half your pay on essential expenses. Then, put 30% towards discretionary income, and use the remaining 20% for paying down debt and saving money. Depending on your level of debt or how fast you want to get out of it, you might want to cut down on discretionary spending so you can apply more toward your debts.

Whatever level of spending you do, be mindful of it. Habits are going to be more effective than relying on simple willpower. Look back over your previous year or two of spending records. Look for the things you buy that get you into debt, and see if you can prevent or better manage them in the future. You don’t necessarily have to go cold turkey on everything and live like a secluded monk, but you do need to keep your future debts reasonable.

Pick a general strategy for tackling your debt. That might be the snowball method, where you pay the minimum on everything except the smallest debt. That one you wipe out entirely before moving on to the next one. The other approach might be hitting the highest interest rate first so you can start taming the overall debt that you have.

Relief is Possible

One option you might want to consider is a payday loan debt relief company. If you have any payday loan debt, you might face high payments and considerable interest rates. Working with the right relief program, you can work with someone that takes over your payday debts. They’ll work directly with your lenders to find ways you can pay down your debt in more affordable ways than might be open to you right now.

Payday loans are a crucial stop-gap for many people who need to access the funds of their next paycheck before they actually get paid. However, these loans often have interest and fees that make it hard to pay the loans down over time. The difference can be dramatic. Some clients of these relief programs are able to reduce payday lender payments from $800 down to under $150.

If you have multiple payday loans, then consolidation can work out well. Instead of managing more than one loan, you can turn all the debts into a single obligation. The number of payments you have to make is considerably simplified, and you might even convert some of them to a lower interest rate along the way.

Reasons for Getting Out of Debt

There are many reasons you should get out of debt, and MoneyCrashers has a good list of them. They start off by pointing out how you can free up more of your income. In time, that might mean more savings you can use to retire earlier. It’s also going to mean less risk along the way since you’ll have more emergency savings.

Your credit score will also improve. That means lower insurance premiums, better interest rates on loans and credit cards, and even better cell phone deals. It might even open up new opportunities for apartments and jobs, given how many landlords and employers do background checks that include credit score checks.


As a final thought, you need to know the difference between wanting to be free of debt and actually doing it. They’re different, but one leads to the other. Use any advice you can get on managing your debt to get started so you can open up more opportunities to do bigger and better things. Remember the advantages of being debt-free to keep yourself motivated through your journey to improved financial success.

By Hannah Boothe
– is a freelance writer native to Northern California who spends her free time developing herself. Hannah enjoys the outdoors, she goes hiking whenever the weather permits and enjoys practicing yoga. She carves out time to journal and read whenever she can. She loves adventure and connecting with those around her.

Member since August, 2022
View all the articles of Hannah Boothe.

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