dentist operated patient on table
  • 5 Common Dental Issues That People Face

  • Published By:
  • Category: Health & Fitness
  • Published Date: December 29, 2022
  • Modified Date: December 29, 2022
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Dentist Operated Patient on Table

Most people know brushing and flossing their teeth can help keep them healthy. But, some may need to be made aware of the many other things they can do to protect their smile and avoid dental problems in the future. Several issues can impact your mouth, from tooth cavities to gum disease, so staying on top of your oral health is important. Here we will take you through five common dental issues people face and tell you how you can address them for great oral care.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay, or cavities, are holes that form in your teeth. They develop when there are too many bacteria in your mouth and on your teeth. Bacteria produce acids that eat away at the enamel of your teeth and cause them to weaken. Tooth decay happens when these pits, holes, and weak spots in tooth decay are bigger than the size of a pea or bigger than an adult toothbrush bristle, though it can sometimes happen sooner or later if it’s not caught early.

Weakened enamel is more susceptible to decay, leaving you vulnerable to painful and tooth-destroying teeth if left untreated. These problems are prevented by having a healthy diet, brushing and flossing your teeth daily, and regularly visiting your dentist for regular checkups.

Receding Gums

Receding gums is a condition where your gums separate from your teeth. It is formed when your teeth start to move out of their sockets. This can lead to the loosening of teeth, gum recession, and bone loss. If you notice gaps between your gum and your teeth, you may develop thin tooth roots or receding gums.

The cause of receding gums can be attributed to several reasons, such as improper brushing and flossing techniques, periodontitis (gum disease), infection, or genetics. Luckily, there are maintenance tactics you can try to reduce the risk of receding gums to protect your smile for years to come.


It’s common for your gums to become inflamed and infected with bacteria. If you have untreated periodontitis, it can lead to bone loss, tooth decay, or gum disease. The best way to prevent this is through regular visits to your dentist for teeth cleaning and checkups. An annual dental checkup will also help you identify the issues you may be facing. In addition, you can help prevent periodontitis by washing your mouth with dental mouthwash every day and frequently brushing with a soft-bristled brush.

Bad Breath

Bad breath is something that many people have to deal with at some point in their life. Foods, drinks, and even medications can cause odors in your mouth. The combination of foods, drinks, and medications can lead to bad breath because they leave an odor-producing residue on the surface of your teeth or around your tongue or palate.

As the condition worsens, it can cause tooth decay or gum disease, further increasing its effects. When this condition develops, it is important to see your dentist for a checkup as soon as possible. The sooner you address the issue, the more quickly you can help eliminate bad breath for good.

Root Infection

Root canals are the holes drilled into your teeth where you can insert a small instrument to remove decay or protect the tooth from further damage. It’s a common procedure for dental care, and it’s essential to keep your mouth healthy by seeing your dentist regularly for checkups to prevent infection. You will also want to brush at least twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and floss once daily due to the observed connection between bad breath and periodontitis.

A dentist can examine the inside of your tooth and determine if any deposits are present on your root canal. If there are, this could signify that bacteria are starting to grow, and you may need to receive a root canal. Root canal treatment for your teeth is another common procedure in which a tooth with an infection is removed so that the problem does not spread or harm the other teeth surrounding it.


Tooth decay, receding gums, bad breath, and periodontitis can all be treated by a dentist. The more promptly you receive diagnosis and treatment, the better your chances of avoiding lasting damage to your teeth. Root infections are often a serious concern that can threaten your oral health if not treated promptly.

By Hannah Boothe
– is a freelance writer native to Northern California who spends her free time developing herself. Hannah enjoys the outdoors, she goes hiking whenever the weather permits and enjoys practicing yoga. She carves out time to journal and read whenever she can. She loves adventure and connecting with those around her.

Member since August, 2022
View all the articles of Hannah Boothe.

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