mobile app development and testing
  • Leveraging the Power of Digital Technology with Secured Mobile App Testing

Featured Image Caption: Digital and Mobility Testing

Business today are making new investments in the digital technology and it is predicted to become the next trigger for growth in global economies. Social networking sites, big data analytics, cloud computing, mobile devices are all influenced by the digital world, which includes the latest techniques and tools. Today, mobile communication has made a great impact on the way people expect to interact and the latest mobile technologies are used to reach out to businesses entities and departments in different circumstances.

With the popularity of smartphones, mobile applications have evolved as key enablers for realizing the truest sense of digital transformation. Whether you have a big business or a small one, simply having a web presence is not enough to expand your business and it is important to have a mobile app to approach most of the consumers who have shifted to mobile shopping. Today, mobiles have become a vital progression of technology enabling convenience, responsiveness, adaptability in an ever changing market place. It is by putting data and analytics in the hands of the staff, that companies are able to see the benefits like faster and better decision that elevate the performance of the professionals and drive higher levels of consumer satisfaction.

Digital technology has been the pillars on which industries have continued to erect the platform for constant development and sustainability. Mobile, analytics and cloud are the need of the hour and these technologies have enabled cutting edge research and deployment of the state of the art services and products across varied industries.

To ensure that organizations are at the cutting edge of this innovation, software testing companies are offering services to cater to the technological changes and establish solutions that offer the customer access to real devices, test statistics and capture information from effective reporting. 3G and 4G network enabled smart phones are used more and more for accessing the internet in order to perform financial, social and business transactions. However, the safety of the data that is consumed by the end user while using the app via a mobile application poses a big security issue. In short, security of the mobile app will always remain business crucial.

Activities to be Performed to Make the Mobile App Secured

App design and performance quality is certainly vital and the app needs to drive business objectives at speed and scale without compromising on the quality of how it is developed, designed and implemented. It is very important to make sure that the application is secured and data leakage, flow and storage capabilities, authentication, encryption and server side controls are thoroughly checked.

Here are some of the tests that should be performed on mobile apps for security:

  • Automated security tests to check the performance of the application and identify embedded viruses, spywares, Trojans, data leakage, unsolicited network connections etc.
  • Security testing of the application for varied mobile devices that run across multiple platforms and over diverse networks.
  • Testing of the app and dynamic analysis in labs offering the required environment so as to verify the security issues like insecure file system, data transmission, access violations, unsafe storage of data and etc.
  • Testing of all the features of the apps in real time and controlled environments, and then comparing the results against various other known applications.
  • Analysis and assessment of automated codes that allow the IT teams to secure mobile applications in the agile based environment
  • Verifying whether or not the required app is built according to the specific demands of the clients and meet the industry standards, as it is crucial to follow the right standards for mandates and regulations.
  • Testing of the application using binary static analysis so that malicious capabilities and any sort of vulnerability like leakage of data are exposed.
  • Continuous checking and testing for any new security threats that usually surface every now and then.

With the gradual increase in the adoption of BYOD, a large number of users access personal as well as sensitive business data on smartphone and tablets. So, users often select mobile apps that keep such sensitive information secure and inaccessible. It is essential for organizations building such mobile apps to perform comprehensive security testing that ensures that the app is not vulnerable to unauthorized access or malicious attacks. Software testers often find it difficult to perform a thorough testing of mobile apps that target multiple devices and platforms. Testing professionals need some specialized tools to check if the app is 100% secure.

Some Popular Security Testing Mobile App Tools

Appium for iOS and Android:

It is an open source software for cross platform automation test. It works like a server that runs in the background like selenium server. It supports tests in any framework and in various programming languages like Ruby, Java, C# and some others which are present in the WebDriver library. No application code is to be modified for testing and the tests are suitable for iOS or Android real emulators or devices.


It is an open source tool that is solely aimed for Android UI testing. It is easy to write automatic black box test cases for Android based applications. Test in Robotium are written in Java and a free extension library called the ExtSolo adds auto scaling and multi-path dragging for varied display resolutions and other abilities.


This is an automation framework that drives the UI of Android hybrid and native apps and the mobile app. The API tests are written by using Selenium 2 and is compatible with the JSON wire protocol. It also supports hot plugging of hardware devices and it is able to interact with multiple Android devices.


It consists of libraries that enables test code to programmatically interact with hybrid and native apps. It offers APIs that are special and run on touch screen devices. It also supports cucumber framework and this makes it easy to understand for business experts and other non-technical staff.

Mobile technology and smart devices have become the latest means of communication and is expected to influence the future to a great extent. A typical end to end mobile testing would help the app to function as it is intended on different devices with varying resolutions, screen sizes, internal hardware, operating systems and etc.

Prince Namdev

By Prince Namdev
who is digital marketing professional blogger, love to write about application (Web & Mobile App) development technology. Our company help global clients for web development, Mobile app development and digital marketing.

Member since September, 2017
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