integrity in network security
  • How Cloud Computing Can Improve the Integrity Of Your Cyber Security Protocols?

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Cloud computing is an internet based computing system which provides shared computer processing resources and stores information to computers and various other electronic devices on demand. In the present era, countless organizations have already moved to cloud storage from generic data bases. Cloud computing has indeed emerged as a dominant technology in the business community all around the world.

The transition of societies into the digital age, has rapidly increased the amount of data being used and stored. Therefore, it has become crucial for organizations around the globe to secure and process the large sets of data as soon as the need arises. Cloud computing, commonly referred to as the cloud, is the delivery of on-demand computer applications, resources and databases. This is all done over the dynamic internet world on a pay-for-use basis.

According to Forrester’s 2018 cloud computing predictions on Forbes, the estimated total global public cloud market will be at an astonishing $178 Billion by the end of 2018. This figure is an exponential rise from the previous $14 Billion in 2017. The same report also predicted that these figures will continue to grow at a 22% compound annual growth rate in the coming few years.

As per the paper generated by Vanson Bourn, “The Business Impact of the Cloud”, firms that shifted to cloud services experienced a 20.66% average improvement in time to market and an impressive 18.80% average increase in process efficiency.

Cloud Computing & Modern Day Workplace

The concept and aggressive usage of cloud computing allows executives and employees the freedom to work at any time from any place. This ease of working for employees help them to remain productive, active and passionate about their respective work. It also provides magnificent collaboration within the firm among various departments. The liberty to share vital information and work together on key projects can considerably improve the manner business processes can be carried out. Workers can complete their piece of work and share it with their colleagues remotely.

Security Challenges

One of the biggest challenges in today’s modern digital era, is developing adequate security protocols to combat cyber threats. These security concerns include unauthorized data exposure, weak access controls, susceptibility to attacks and leaks. This is where the role of cloud security comes in to help businesses improve their cyber security protocols.

Cloud security is all about the protection of data, applications and key infrastructure involved in every business module. There are different aspects of security for cloud environment, this can be in the form of public, private, or hybrid cloud. These remain the same even in the case of on premise IT architecture.

How Cloud Computing Can Enhance Security Protocols?

The current digital setup of the world is quite dynamic in nature, the rules of the game keep on changing with the passage of time. The awareness and acceptance of cloud security is increasing at an expedited rate due to its vast applications. Earlier, there were many who would understand the benefits of cloud computing, but were deterred by security threats as cloud storage does have certain vulnerabilities in terms of cyber-attacks or breaches.

  • The Extensive Use of Security Software

The word cloud refers to the hosted resources supplied to a user via software. Cloud computing infrastructures along with all the relevant information being processed-are quite portable, scalable, and dynamic.

Cloud security plays a pivotal role in responding to environmental variables and accompany massive workloads, while at rest and in transit. It can be either as an inherent part of the workload or dynamically through cloud management systems and application programming interfaces (APIs). The effective use of this tool can safeguard cloud environments from system corruption and precious data loss.

  • Robust Perimeters

Access parameters are considered to be one of the most profound security features. In traditional setups, environments are usually controlled by using a perimeter security model. On the contrary, cloud environments are highly connected, which makes it enormously easy for traffic to bypass traditional perimeter defenses. The presence of robust and strict perimeters makes it difficult to spot weak identities, hijack accounts and the penetration of malicious insiders that can pose severe threats to the entire system.

  • Landscape to Negate Sophisticated Threats

Sophisticated threats can be anything that can hamper modern computing cloud. An effective landscape can do wonders in preventing sophisticated malware and other attacks like Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). It also plays a significant role in hindering data breaches, which can result in unauthorized information disclosure and data tempering.

  • The Use of Hybrid Clouds

Hybrid Clouds give you the best of all the clouds. They let you choose where to place workloads and data based on compliance, policy, audit, or security requirements- protecting extremely sensitive workloads on a private cloud.

The Bottom Line

Cloud computing practices are boosting the power of internet more than ever. It has completely evolved the way computer is being used. Cloud computing is a dynamic and challenging opportunity for SME’s and Online businesses to implement cloud computing technologies in the firms to increase the value of their business and protect their valuable data at the same time.

Judy Robinson

By Judy Robinson
who is a passionate blogger at Mars Technology, a Virginia based Data Security and Cyber security Company specializes.

Member since September, 2018
View all the articles of Judy Robinson.

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