top reasons to use a commercial real estate agent
  • Reasons Why You Should Hire A Commercial Real Estate Agent

  • Published By:
  • Category: Real Estate
  • Published Date: January 29, 2019
  • Modified Date: April 16, 2019
  • Reading Time: 6 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Top Reasons to Use a Commercial Real Estate Agent

Change is inevitable, that’s what they said. So as time continue to pass by a lot of things are changing or are bound to change and one of them is technology. Through technology, many gadgets have been made that can allow us to access the internet from the comfort of our houses or offices.

This has made communication easier than it was before. At the same time, you can also use the internet to acquire more information on different topics including real estate. With all these at our disposal, one might ask where is the need to hire a commercial real estate agent when you can get all the information you need online?

Whether you want to buy or sell a property or even if you want to build it from scratch, you will need the services of different professionals including a land surveying company, right? But why go through all the hassle of getting an agent to help you out when you can get everything online? If you still haven’t found your answer yet, below are a few reasons why you still need to hire a real estate agent.

  • Experience and Education

We all know how tricky the real estate industry is, right? It needs a person who is sharp and has a lot of experience. Someone who can make sure that everything is in place before you can enter into an agreement of buying or selling a property.

Sounds like a lot of work to do? Well, you won’t have to do much when you hire an agent. Sometimes you won’t even have to do anything at all. You only need to find the right guy to help you out. Since they almost cost the same, you can use this as an advantage and try to find one with more training and experience for better results.

You can prove that the guy is indeed training by asking to be provided with a certificate that shows his or he qualifications.

  • Buffering Help

Having a real estate agent can help you a lot whether you are looking to buy or sell a property by acting as a buffering help.

If you are looking to sell a property, they will probably help by going through all those calls and visitors you always receive as potential buyers and settle down on the serious ones and try to make them buy your property even faster.

On the other hand, if you are a buyer, the agent will protect you from all those agents from the buyers keeping them off from trying to take advantage of you mostly by interfering with the prices. This is why you need to hire one to avoid all these challenges.

  • Knowledge of the Neighborhood

Real estate agents usually possess much knowledge about a particular area or neighborhood and most probably they would also know all the places where the grass seems to be greener. These people usually have the ability to identify all the comparable sales and show them to you.

These facts can help you make a rich decision whether you want to buy or sell a property. Additionally, they can also tell you much about the area, including where the roads can be accessed easily, where the schools are, and hospitals among other things.

You might also be surprised that a house you knew was on the market going for a certain price was sold at a lower price just because some upgrades had to be done and it had also fallen out of escrow twice. All these are information only an agent can help you with.

  • Guidance on the Price

Most people are usually wrong to think that agents often decide the prices for the buyers or sellers. What they always do is to guide you and give you pointers that will help you make the correct decisions.

For instance, if a listing stands at 7%, an agent will be having a vested interest of 7% in that sale, but the client will have 93% interest. The selling agents will always ask the buyers to evaluate all the information provided to them and then choose a suitable price.

Depending on the conditions, the market supply and demand, your agent will then come up with a negotiation strategy to help you get the deal for the best price possible.

intelligent agent negotiation strategy

Intelligent Agent Negotiation Strategy

  • Market Trends

Hiring a real estate agent also mean getting to know more when it comes to the market trends and conditions. The agents will always be willing to provide you with such information to facilitate the buying or the selling process.

The way forward, however, is usually determined by some certain factors, including the average and median sale prices, the ratios of list-to-sold prices, and average days taken on the market among other things.

All these can affect the process in one way or another hence having an impact on what you finally decide to do. Click here to see more factors that can affect the pricing of a property.

  • Professional Networking

If you look at a successful real estate agent, you will find out they usually work with other professionals too. This is called networking. Some of these professionals might be dealing in or providing certain services that you might need to sell or buy.

From legal liability, some agents might avoid recommending a particular company or individual over another. However, they can also point you to other vendors with good reputation when it comes to competence, efficiency and also providing competitive pricing.

The agents can also provide you with some references with whom he has worked with before and also provide you with some information that can help you make great decisions.


It is not a bad thing to believe in yourself and always wanting to things by yourself but sometimes we might need a little help. When it comes to real estate, those who are ideal enough to give you much help are the agents. That’s why you need to hire real estate agents when you want to buy or sell your property as there are many other things that they can help you with apart from those listed above.

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