corporate gifts in india
  • Rising Popularity of Corporate Gifts in India

  • Published By:
  • Category: Market Updates
  • Published Date: November 11, 2017
  • Modified Date: May 12, 2020
  • Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Corporate Gifts in India

Gifting has always been a part of Indian culture. Here, people love exchanging gifts on festivals and other occasions. These days, even companies are beginning to participate in this tradition. In fact, corporate gifting is slowly but steadily increasing in popularity. More and more companies have started to give gifts to their employees as well as business partners.

The Rise of Corporate Gifting

It is easy to wonder why companies are increasingly investing in corporate gifts. However, the fact is that there are actually a number of benefits that companies can enjoy when they start giving gifts.

Here are a few of them.

  • Corporate gifting can help in raising awareness about the brand especially when personalized gifts are distributed.
  • People who receive gifts from a company are more likely to have a positive impression about it.
  • By gifting employees, it is possible for a company to improve employee morale and develop a positive relationship with them.
  • Corporate gifting also allows company to develop strong relationships with clients and other businesses.
Online Personalized Corporate Gifts in India

Perfect Occasions for Personalized Corporate Gifts

The Perfect Occasions for Corporate Gifting

When it comes to giving gifts, companies in India have a plethora of choices. The most common occasion for gifting is festivals, particularly Diwali. After all, Diwali is the biggest festival in the country. Of course, companies can always celebrate the major festivals in their locality and give gifts. Christmas is another occasion on which gifts can be given.

Apart from festivals, companies can give away gifts on the other important dates of the calendar. For example, there is the New Year. Organizations may also choose to give gifts on their foundation days or other days important for them.

Popular Choices for Corporate Gifting

There is no shortage of options when it comes to the gifts that an organization can give. In fact, these days, there are more choices than ever.

Here are some of the most popular choices that you can opt for.

Gift Baskets:

One of the most popular choices for corporate gifting, gift baskets can come in a variety of forms. More importantly, you can easily find or create gift baskets as per your budget. There are various items which can be given via gift baskets including cosmetics, sweets and food items.

Personalized Gifts:

There are several kinds of personalized gifts that can be given out by a company. They are a great way to increase the exposure of your brand. Key chains, desktop planners and even diaries can be sent to your clients and other businesses after being personalized with your company name.

Personalized Chocolates:

Chocolates are easily the most suitable gift options that you can get. After all, it is suitable for nearly all occasions. Moreover, most people love having chocolates. These days, it is even possible to personalize the chocolates by printing messages on them. As such, companies can print their names or a short message for a truly unique gift.

While corporate gifts are well-loved by everybody, the company giving them must be aware of a few things. First of all, the gift should be suitable for the recipient. Additionally, it should be impressive enough to make an impact on the receivers.

By Vijay Dhawan
who is a freelance blogger. His area of interest is party planning and gifting for various occasions. He is based out of India.

Member since November, 2017
View all the articles of Vijay Dhawan.

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