earth planet
  • Why Recycling Everything Possible Will Help the Earth Heal

Featured Image Caption: Earth Planet

For decades, activists pointed to recycling as one of the principal ways we could help save the planet. Recently, some observers have noted that truly existential threats like climate change require more comprehensive solutions. But even if you can’t save the planet just by tossing your water bottles in the right bin, there are still plenty of reasons why recycling is the right thing to do. In a consumerist world where humans produce such an excessive amount of plastic, metal, and packaging, we owe it to the natural world to clean up our messes. Here are four ways that recycling can help create a healthier planet.

Reduce the Need for Harmful Mining

Every time you buy a newly-made metal product, you’re encouraging the further mining of the Earth. Some companies do irreparable harm to natural ecosystems when extracting the materials they need. By opting for used scrap metal instead of wanting it new, you help keep these harmful practices to a minimum. Recycling what you already have is key to keeping the planet healthy and in equilibrium. Reuse all the metal you can, because it is not easy to manufacture. It takes a lot of resources and manpower too.

Protect Ecosystems and Living Organisms

When people discard used materials instead of recycling them, it’s often the local fauna that suffer. Animals didn’t evolve to handle our trash in their habitats. Their instincts often tell them to eat, handle, or play with potentially harmful substances. When we recycle what we can, we limit the effects of our consumption on our animal neighbors. There is never a good excuse to litter or pollute, so be sure to recycle everything you possibly can. This will also end up saving money for all involved along the way.

Save Energy and Cut Fossil Fuel Emissions

Every time you recycle or reuse something, you eliminate the need for further production. This is important, because the ceaseless fabrication of plastic and other materials uses vast amounts of energy. Most factories are powered by fossil fuels, meaning that more production leads to more emissions. While recycling alone can’t get us out of the climate crisis, it’s certainly a helpful component of any wider solutions.

Avoid Excessive Waste

When humans don’t recycle, they send all their discarded trash to be stashed in landfills. The Earth was never designed to host tons and tons of man-made debris. By recycling, you do your part to keep the landfills from overflowing. If you’ve ever been to a tip or dump you would have noticed the amount of household items, and these are one of the easiest items to recycle. Mattress, furniture and whitegoods can all be reused, resold or recycled. If you’re unsure on how or what to recycle there are plenty of services like mattress removal Sydney or just general rubbish removal services that can recycle all your unwanted items for you and reduce your contribution to landfill. Recycling is also cheaper and creates more jobs than depositing waste, so you’ll be doing your part to help the local economy. Avoiding excess waste is a great idea, especially in our modern world.

As we face an unprecedented series of environmental crises, we should all do our part to help save the planet. While you might not be an inventor or scientist who can solve our problems in the lab, you can still take an active role in being part of the solution. All you have to do is recycle.

Rachelle Wilber

By Rachelle Wilber
who is a freelance writer and residing in San Diego, California area. Rachelle finds an interest in all topics and have Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Media Studies.

Member since September, 2018
View all the articles of Rachelle Wilber.

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