mother of the bride dresses in india
  • 4 Best Options for The Mother of Bride Dresses

  • Published By:
  • Category: Lifestyle
  • Published Date: February 16, 2018
  • Modified Date: May 13, 2020
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Mother Bride Dresses

Marriage ceremonies are those get-together events in which you show off your fairy style. The guests are also interested to see how bride and groom flaunt their dresses. This generally is not confined to the bride and groom, their close relatives also give unwavering sense of fashion. Certainly, a mother of the bride should wear a dress which is unique and attractive at the same time.

Multi Options for Mother of the Bride Dresses:

1. Fit and Flares

bride dress fit and flares

Bride Dress – Fit and Flares

If you want to leave a lasting impression on any occasion, leave aside the marriage ceremony of your daughter, then fit and flares is the best option to choose. You can a versatile design to make a fashionable statement. They are available in different sizes and shapes; hence it fits any unique figure.

Depending upon the waistline, one can choose between a belted look and a torso. Torso can also be preferred if you do not want to show off your legs. Belted one is more adapted for women with less waist size. It should also be noted that the dress should allow free movement.

2. Off-the-shoulder

bride dress off the shoulder

Bride Dress – Off the Shoulder

Off-the-shoulder can also be a very good option for the mother of the bride dresses. This will give a much more modern appearance to your personality. The off shoulder will also draw attention of many guests and would help you cover the age. While wearing this attire special attention should be given to the shoulders.

You can use a light cream so that the neck and the shoulder shine and add to the magnificence. You can prefer to show your neckline. However, it is always good to wear a jewelry that goes well with the dress and your personality.

3. Lace Evening Gown

bride dress lace evening gown

Bride Dress – Lace Evening Gown

The Gowns have been a part of the evergreen fashion. As suits are to men, gowns are to women. If you have smooth and even skin, the lace evening gown can be your best companion in your daughter’s wedding ceremony. While choosing a lace evening gown, the color should be taken into prime consideration. But if one is confused over the different color options, then you should always opt for light color.

Another precaution that should be taken while choosing the gown is that it should not be very heavy. It should not obstruct free movement. Being the mother of the bride, you are expected to dance, and it’s obvious that you cannot deny this.

4. Black Sleeveless Dress

black sleeveless bride dress

Bride Dresses – Black Sleeveless Dress

The mesmerizing effect created by wearing a black dress just cannot be ignored. Black looks good on every skin tone. A black sleeveless dress would be something that can look pleasant and at the same time would grab the attention.

If you want to keep it subtle and yet elegant, then a black sleeveless dress can be the best option to go with. It looks simple, classy and elegant. Also, black never goes out of fashion.


The decision to elect a dress for the mother of the bride should also be influenced by few other things like the number of guests at the wedding. If more professional people are coming to the wedding the dress should be in accordance to that. The mother of the bride dresses should be in sync with her daughter.

Mother of the bride can also ask and discuss with the mother of groom about what she is wearing. The dress should be within the comfort level of the mother and should not be too revealing. Accessories should be always light and should complement the dress in an outright manner.

By Vaibhav Srivastava
who is a professional blogger and has specialized in all kind of blogger such as health, travel, business, home etc.

Member since December, 2017
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