garage door inspection checklist
  • 4 Tests to Check if Your Garage Door Needs Repairs

  • Published By:
  • Category: Home Remodeling
  • Published Date: February 7, 2020
  • Modified Date: May 11, 2020
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Garage Door Inspection Checklist

Your garage door is really a valuable part of your home. If it does not work properly, then you can find yourself with a sticky door, or worse, no access to your garage. Here are four checks you can use to make sure your garage is always accessible and safe.

Listen for Strange Noises

Any clanking, loud pops, or groaning can signal a big issue with the garage door. It may be something as simple as a rock in the tracks, but a broken spring could also be the culprit. If you hear an unusual noise, then try to track down the source to help you narrow down the possibilities. Any moving part of the garage door and mechanisms can cause grinding or rattling noises, but only the opener can make tired motor sounds, so keep in mind what sounds could originate from where when searching.

Does Your Door Stick When Opening or Closing

A garage door that struggles to open or close might be out of balance, have a warp in the track, or have a broken spring. To see if the door is balanced, put it in manual mode. Next, lift the door about waist height. If the door stays in place, then it is level and needs no attention. When the door does not stay put, then it is time to call a garage door technician for an adjustment.

Is the Garage Door Opener Working

Sometimes, we lose track of how long the door opener goes between battery changes. An inoperable opener may be simple to fix. A broken opener can be a huge hassle when you have to open and close the door manually every time you want to go in and out of the garage. Another check to perform is to see which radio frequency the garage opener is using. If the opener and the garage door mechanisms are not on the same channel, then the door will not open and close.

Does the Sensor Light Work

At the bottom of each garage door, there are two sensors to check. If the door is in alignment, then these lights will turn on each time. To check the sensors, wave an object in front of the eyes. If the sensors are working, then the door will reverse. When the door does not go back up when something is in the way of the sensors, then it is important to get a professional checkup. These checks can help you stay on top of garage door maintenance to reduce repair costs.

Another check you can perform is to put a piece of wood or a broomstick under the door and push close. The door should hit the object and immediately reverse without crushing the object. Keeping an eye on the tracks, springs, and sensors will help you stay on top of door repairs. If you don’t have your garage door operator manual anymore, then you can find the best ways to check your system by finding your manufacturer online and accessing digital copies of the manual.

Because garage doors are so large and heavy, it is important to ensure that they are operating correctly. This ensures both the safety of your home and prevents the excessive use of energy on something that may not even be fulfilling its purpose anymore. While the ideal solution is to replace a part like the garage door opener or remote, it may become prudent to replace the door entirely if it has severe faults in its integrity. If you’re not sure if your garage door can perform as needed anymore, be sure to run basic tests like these to make sure that it isn’t a minor issue that can be easily resolved.

Meghan Belnap

By Meghan Belnap
who is a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family and residing in Oklahoma. For homeowners with faulty garage doors, she highly recommends checking out garage door openers from local providers like National Garage.

Member since September, 2019
View all the articles of Meghan Belnap.

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