door handle
  • Types Of Door Handle Sets You Need To Know About

Featured Image Caption: Door Handle

Has it ever bothered you what completes the look of the door? It is the door handle. These small fixtures may not be overpowering the design of the door but have a vital role to play in ensuring the functionality of the door. Door handle sets are available in various design and style options. Based on your requirement, you can choose the right type. In this blog, we will discuss a few of the important types of door handle sets. But before that, we would like to share a common perception about the door handles in Australia.

If you are planning to change the door handle or installing a new door, you must adhere to the norms specified by the Australian Building Code. The door handles must be placed at the right height, and for aesthetic purposes, it is always good to place the door handle at the same height on all the doors in the house. So, if you are planning to buy door handle sets, make sure that you invest in the best quality. A few years back, there was a debate on banning circular door knobs; make sure that you inquire about the same when investing in door handles.

Exploring The Popular Door Handle Set Options:

1. Lever Handles –

The most commonly used type is lever handles. These are also known as door levers. These are good for residential purposes and commercial spaces. These are of two types:

  • Lever handles on backplate – These are the traditional door handles that rest on the backplate.
  • Leave handles on rose – These are more modern and stylish. They rest on a small backplate which is usually circular. When you purchase the lever door handle, it will include both the handle and the backplate. Operating mechanisms of lever handles.
  • Lever lock – It comes with a keyhole to access the door and comes with a mortice lock that enhances the lock’s security.
  • Lever bathroom – It has a thumb turn lock and can be easily locked and unlocked from inside by pressing the snib, but it can also be unlocked from the outside by turning the coin slot.
  • Lever latch – This is good for the doors that don’t need much security and don’t need to be locked. All you need to do is push the door handle down to open the door.
lever handle

Lever Handle

2. Pull Handles –

The next category is the pull handle, which is ideal for passage doors. It is available in the following options:

  • Pull handles on rose – These are a good choice for a modern and elegant appeal.
  • Pull handles on a backplate – For a more traditional look, you can choose this type of handle. You can place them on both internal and external doors.
  • Bolt through pull handles – These come with a bolt that passes through the door and is fixed by a nut present at the opposite side.

3. Doorknobs –

And the next most popular door handle option you have is the doorknob. These are circular in shape and can be turned in both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions as evident from the name. These have been used as an alternative to the lever handles.

Final Thoughts

Now you know about the popular types of door handles, based on your requirements, you can choose the right type. Ensure that you buy the entire door handle set to give your place a uniform look that looks more aesthetically pleasing.

Kiera Peterson

By Kiera Peterson
who is residing in Australia.

Member since February, 2020
View all the articles of Kiera Peterson.

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