types of guns
  • 4 Unique Guns Worth Trying out at the Range

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There are any number of guns that you may be interested in taking for a test drive at the range. This gives you a good indication of how well they handle and their capabilities. Here are some of the more interesting options that you may want to consider trying out.

ATI Galil

If you enjoy old school guns, the new ATI Galil may be the right fit for you. This new model incorporates some of the same features that inspired gun enthusiasts during the Cold War era. Some of the pros of this type of gun is that the recoil is supposed to be minimized over the older models on which it’s based. Another thing about this model is that it may look like its older brothers, but it handles better. If you’re looking for long distance shooting, this is a good gun to try. There are plenty of reasons to try out new guns the next time you go to the range. Take some friends with you that have different kinds of guns and try theirs out, that way, you will have a better idea of what kind of gun you might want to get next.

9mm Options

There are lots of options if you’re shopping for a 9mm semi-automatic rifle. There are many popular guns in this category. This is because of the simplicity of the design and ease of use. Even if you’re new to the shooting range, you can pick up one of these options and be able to hit your target in record time. This may be due to the modifications that have reduced the amount of recoil that you will experience when handling one of these types of weapons. Recoil is hard to deal with, so be sure to ready yourself before each trigger pull. There is always time to get ready for it.

Classic Colt

The Colt is a classic in terms of familiarity on the gun market. Revolvers have long been underappreciated due to their small stature. The newest Colt is better at delivering the power that you’re looking for at the range because the barrel has been lengthened a bit. It’s heavier than its older models and delivers more of a punch. Trying this one out could give you a new appreciation for the entire class of weapons in this category.

New CP33

The new CP33 is another handgun, but it can be modified to handle more rounds. What makes it so unique is that it’s equipped with a charging handle instead of the reciprocating slide that’s more prevalent in handguns. This works to increase the performance of the gun and virtually eliminates the amount of recoil that you’ll experience. You can also add a variety of features, such as an improved sight, to aid in your marksmanship skills.

There are lots of different guns that you can try when you’re at the range. Consider these models if you want something that’s unique and fun to shoot.

Rachelle Wilber

By Rachelle Wilber
who is a freelance writer and residing in San Diego, California area. Rachelle finds an interest in all topics and have Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Media Studies.

Member since September, 2018
View all the articles of Rachelle Wilber.

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