mistakes during driving test
  • Driving Test – Top Ten Mistakes

Featured Image Caption: 10 Mistakes During Driving Test

We all get anxious when we are supposed to give a driving test. It is quite natural. Many restrain from applying for a driving licence as they are afraid they cannot clear the test. Driving licence test is quite simple if you are good with the basics of driving. So, after you have submitted your DL application and paid the fees, you will be taken to the driving test track. An officer from the Regional Transport Office (RTO) will sit with you in the car and will ask you to drive around. If you have applied for a DL for your two-wheeler, an officer will watch you when you ride on the track.

You driving skill is the only thing that will help you clear your driving test. However, there are few things you can do during the test that will make you look good in the eyes of the officer. To start with, listed below are some of the mistake you should avoid during your test.

Ten mistakes you should avoid during your driving test:

1. Feeling stressed during the test:

When you are under stress, you tend to forget even the basic things that you learnt. People who have practiced really well fail to perform due to stress. This is something you need to avoid when taking your driving test. Apart from causing you to make mistakes, the officer will be able to see that you are stressed and can go ahead and reject you. Driving on Indian roads can be stressful you better get used to it from the time you give your driving test.

2. Giving the test when you are not ready:

If you took driving classes from a driving school, you will be paying for about 10 to 12 classes and the hope is to learn how to drive by the end of the classes. However, each individual has different learning ability. Few may learn it in just a few classes and for others, it could take a lot of time. At the end of the course, if you feel that you are still not ready to take the driving test, do not go for it. Trust your intuition. Many feels that trying to clear the test is better than skipping it but please remember that the RTO records each time you fail in the test and that does not look good.

3. Forgetting to wear the seatbelt:

As soon as you sit in the car and you are ready to start before you release your handbrake or do anything else, you will have to wear your seatbelt. As this is a matter of your safety, the officer will be noticing if you are doing it right. Follow the order taught to you in your driving school and fasten your seatbelt before you do anything else. This makes you look like a responsible driver.

4. Letting your car stop when changing gears:

Make sure your car doesn’t stop when you change gears. Many who give their driving test have let their car come to a complete stop when changing gears. Practice changing gears as much as possible and do not shock your vehicle when you change gears during the test. When you are practicing, make sure you drive in roads that requires you to slow down and cross speed breakers. This will make sure you get enough practice before the test.

5. Not checking your mirrors enough:

Always pay close attention to the mirrors. You will have to use both your side and rear mirrors while driving. If you fail to see a two-wheeler when you are turning towards your left or right, it could lead to a road accident. Adjust your mirrors and seat before you start your test.

6. Not having enough steering control:

Steering control is very important when you drive. Many accidents are caused as the driver lost steering control. Most of the time, you will be given a driving school vehicle to drive during the test. You will not get the same vehicle you practiced. So, it is important to practice steering control in multiple vehicles before you give the test. Try driving different cars and get a hang of it before you give your driving test.

7. Playing it safe and not changing gears or driving slowly:

Many people think that not changing gears and driving slowly in your second gear will help them pass their driving test. However, that is not true. Anyone who has taken driving classes before will know that you need to change gears according to the speed of the vehicle. So, if you drive slowly in the second gear, the officer will know that you are playing it safe and might ask you to change the gear. So, do it proactively before you are asked to.

8. Bad or incorrect parking:

During the driving test, you may be asked to park the vehicle. Learn how to park your vehicle safely before giving your driving test. Also, the officer may ask you to stop in a “No Stopping” or “No Parking” zone to check if you know the traffic rules. Always check for signs and boards before you are parking the car. If you see a “No Parking”, alert the officer. This will fetch you bonus points.

9. Braking too hard:

Do not brake too hard when driving. Apart from making it an uncomfortable drive, handling your car roughly may choke the engine and other parts of the car. If you want to maintain your car, practice how to change gears and apply brakes gently.

10. Not releasing your handbrake before you start:

Another very small but common mistake many people do when giving their driving test to not releasing the handbrake. If you do not release your handbrake, your vehicle will not move. Always check the handbrake when you start the vehicle and always apply the brake when you stop. Observe the dashboard of the car before starting your vehicle, the lights will indicate what you will have to check before you start the car.

All the best for your driving test!

By Madhu Gurgaon
who is a blogger and trying my best to spread the awareness about driving test.

Member since March, 2018
View all the articles of Madhu Gurgaon.

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