couple renting a car
  • Location De Voiture While Abroad

Featured Image Caption: Couple Renting a Car

If I were to be told that I had the opportunity to travel the world for a year I would jump at the chance, not only because I get to travel which is one of my biggest passions, but as a frequent traveler already I would essentially ‘hone’ in my organization and planning skills to make each trip as effective and efficient as possible.

Traveling for some individuals can be a daunting and overwhelming experience and I believe it is because they have either had a bad trip where things seem to go astray from the get-go, or the plans didn’t get off the ground before they even left their home country. No matter the situation I know there is always a way back from it and to turn things around to put a positive spin on your memories.

Rental agents and agencies

Before you pick up the phone to reserve a car and put a deposit down be sure you have thoroughly done your homework and research into the type and model of the car you want and the budget you have set aside for it.

They (the salesmen) often and more likely than not know how to ‘upsell’ specific features and extras to add to the vehicle rental and if you are not aware of the average prices for that car and the area then you will be spending more than you intended to.

When narrowing down the search of car rental companies within the area you will be staying be sure that you take a look at their company website, read the fine print and clauses they don’t necessarily mention, and the policy on vehicle fuel and return times. These elements vary from agency to company so if anything is unclear, rather ask.

You want the most value for your money (don’t we all) and this means taking your time to search what options you have available to you.

We all understand the practice of paying for extras or a more comfortable model with personalized features but they need to be clear upfront about what these are, companies such as – location voiture Faro gives you the chance to browse what’s accessible on the market at the time of your travel vacation and set your budget accordingly.

It may well be the dream you have always had of driving a sports car or a soft top, and without the hefty price tag, this dream can soon become a reality.

driving a sports car

Driving a Sports Car

International driving requirements

Are you aware of what these are, have you familiarized yourself with the rules, regulations, and driving permits needed for the country you are headed to? Most car rental companies will ask you a set of various questions with boxes that need to be ticked and checked off for them to rent the car out to you but also to cover them with their insurance company in the event something were to happen whilst you were in their car.

The most obvious question to ask and check with the authorities is, do you need an international driving permit, this is a must for certain countries (each has its own set of rules) and making sure this has been applied for and received before traveling will make the holiday less stressful.

There are also various IDP’s – International Driving Permit – so be sure that you do or don’t need one and if you do that you’re applying for the correct one. The last thing anyone needs is to be in the country of your holiday, ready to pick up your rental vehicle only to be told that the license you applied for wasn’t the right one, no thank you. Do your homework.

The process is quite straightforward, click this link to have a quick look and overview of what is all entailed and what identification and documentation you will need to hand in when applying. Then, once the kids have been settled in for the evening, you have poured that well-deserved glass of wine, you can sit calmly and focus on filling out the necessary paperwork correctly the first time around.

I am not sure about you but more than once, unfortunately, I have attempted to fill out forms online or even the physical papers with the children running around the house asking irrelevant questions or needing a snack that is easily found if they opened the fridge door only to write the question they are asking on the forms. Needing to start again you vouch to never try this at home before bedtime.

Road rules

Most of us will have done our driving licenses a long while ago and can manage the road signs pretty well for the most part, although there are still some new shapes and colors that tend to throw us off which we then need to Google later to know what they mean.

But international rules and regulations may differ to your home country so a quick recap on what these could be is advisable, especially with the fact that you will be driving a rented car in a different country.

speed limit board

Speed Limit Board


You have booked, paid for, and collected your dream top-speed sports car and are ready to take it for a spin, and while the joy and memories made from this experience will be unforgettable so will the black mark on your license and charge to your credit card for speeding above and beyond what you know the speed limit to be.

Be a smart and safe driver, certain highways and long stretches of road out in the middle of vast dunes allow for the top speeds without danger to others, so unless you are in the desert or on an off the beaten track road think clearly before putting your foot flat on the fuel pedal.

Airport kiosks and convenience boutiques will most likely have a compact version of a road map with road signs and a synopsis of the road rules, pick one up before heading out of the terminal to the rental desk. They are small enough to pop into the wife’s handbag or your hand luggage and could be just the information you need to be a better driver while abroad.

Driver’s etiquette

Manners, in general, should come as second nature but still, there are individuals in the world who believe that the rules don’t apply to them, why I have no idea.

You have opted to go into another country, to use their car rental services for the duration of your trip, the least you can do is have a decent driving etiquette. A few simple points to keep in mind will make driving pleasure while on holiday.

  • Speed. Although we have mentioned the fact about speeding and how it is best to do it away from others that could be harmed, the action of going too slow is also not permitted in certain countries and areas. Driving like a snail on say the highway can cause an accident just as quickly as a racing driver. Stick as close to the limits as possible and go within your lane.
  • Conditions. Access the situation. You may have landed in tropical weather conditions, while it may still be humid it is torrential rain, which makes things difficult and tricky to drive in. It could be rush hour and everyone is headed home, we know the headache of this in our home country so be courteous in someone else’s. Construction also plays a role in slowing things down, be patient and take it all in (the good and the not so great), you are on holiday after all.
  • Lanes. This is a pet peeve of my husband and I understand why, the lanes and in particular on highways and busy intersections are marked for a reason. You cannot be in the fast lane and wanting to ‘drive Ms. Daisy’ as the old saying goes, think about your speed and pick the appropriate driving lane.
couple on road trip

Couple on Road Trip

To sum it all up

I am all about enjoying life, this is not a practice life this is the real deal and if we don’t embrace it for all it has to offer it will fly by, and before we know it we are headed for our golden years wondering what happened to the last 3 decades of our life.

So hire that soft top, take the adventure of a lifetime with your family or friends and soak up the sun in a different country or better yet, every country.

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