Featured Image Caption: Vintage US Constitution and Patriotism
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We live in America—the land of the free. However, like our forefathers before us, we must fight to maintain our freedoms. If we the people don’t stand up for our rights, we may lose them. Especially in the recent years with the government’s plandemic and every other detail that has to do with COVID. Here are 4 ways to ensure your constitutional freedoms are not stripped from you.
The Second Amendment Helps Us Remain Free
Civilians with firearms created a militia to fight the American Revolution, blessing us with the freedoms that followed. If civilians don’t carry firearms, only government workers have guns in this country. If you don’t have one already, be sure to visit a gun shop and look at some models that would suit you. That means the government can push the people around. We should carry guns for personal protection, of course, but also as a reminder to the government that the people can rise together if necessary.
Educate Yourself About Your Rights
To fight for your rights, you must know what those rights are. As a social warrior, you should learn the rights of the people as protected by the U.S. Constitution. Start by reading the Constitution. Then, read expert interpretations of the Constitution to understand it better. Finally, research legal cases to learn what precedents have been established. While you may learn that people interpret the Constitution in many ways, you will get the best results when you know how it’s been legally defended in the past (and ways it hasn’t). Remember that not everyone will interpret the Constitution the same as you, and you need to learn the delicate balance of defending yourself in a socially acceptable way.
The people in power determine your freedoms, so pick people with similar priorities as you. Some people don’t vote thinking that their vote doesn’t count, especially if a Republican lives in a primarily Democratic state, or visa versa. However, your vote does matter. Trends change. For example, Vermont was first a Republican state before it turned into a primarily Democratic state. Even if it takes time, your vote can convince other like-minded people to vote and eventually change the trend. Don’t forget to vote in your local elections, too. Those small elections help shape things on the larger platform and give minority viewpoints representation.
Stay Open-Minded to Opposing Opinions
Your freedom comes at a cost, and that cost is that everyone else has the same freedoms. Learn to live with different viewpoints. Fight for the right of your opposition to vocalize their views just as hard as you fight for your own rights. That’s the point after all. Listen to others and respect their decisions and points of view, this is the whole point of America. Everyone has the right to their own opinion.
Exercise your rights but exercise them safely. Keep all firearms secure and out of reach of children. The best way to organize and secure your firearms is by using a gun safe. These are durable, tough, and very safe.
By Anita Ginsburg
who is a freelance writer and residing in Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University, and now writes articles about health, business, family and finance. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing.
Member since July, 2019
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