  • 7 Things to Know Before Starting a Blog – A Guide for Beginners

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We always get fascinated by money which so many bloggers are making online. That undoubtedly an inspiration for all newbie bloggers. But is that really easy? There are 6.7+ billion blogs as a statistics of 2014 and its still counting. However; very less %age making huge money through blogs.

Some of us write blog because of our passion and some write to make money online. Are you also planning to join the blogging community? If yes that you must read this article before starting the journey.

My blogging journey also started in Year 2013 from BlogSpot and after 6 months of blogging I stopped writing on my blog. Did extensive research on blogging for complete 2014 and started my blog new blog in April-2015. I have learnt so many new things about blogging in last 2 years and will share my experiences in upcoming posts.

So what you should know before starting your own blog?

Why do you want to start a blog?

The most important question which should be answered by yourself before you jump into blogging community. Do you see yourself as authority in specific topic or you are master of all traits. The important thing here is to understand if you know something unique which your target audience is not aware of. You will only be a successful blogger if you share what others want to read. Blog is about solving people’s problem and help them which add values to their lives.

Are you blogging for passion or money?

There are 2 type of bloggers. One who blogs due to his passion towards sharing his/her views or second who wants to make money online through blog. You do not need to bother about your blog ranking, analytics, traffic or money if you are blogging for passion. But if you want to make money online through your blog than you must think like an entrepreneur. Making money through blog needs a business plan like any other new startup. In that case you will need to gain complete understanding of how you will run your blog business.

Are you ready to commit yourself?

Blogging is not fun. Its serious business if you are taking it up to make money. Every business needs your time and unless you do not devote yourself into blogging. You can definitely take it as part time but you need to be consistent. The question which you should ask yourself whether you can spend dedicated time to your blog or not? You will only be able to increase your readers when you will write regularly. It will help you to stay connected with your audience and will have an big impact on your online identity.

Have you decided your blog niche?

Blog cannot be started without decided on your blog niche. To make it simple, blog niche is the topic on which you are planning to write. Do not pick up niche where people are earning so much of money. You can earn lots of money with the niche you choose. The important thing here is to make sure you choose a niche in which you can write consistently and which is scalable. For example, writing about education can be one niche but you should have so many sub categories under education which you can talk about but picking up only MBA as an education can limit your resources in future. Also, the niche which you pick up should be of your interest else you will not be able to write for long time.

Are you ready to learn?

Blogging is continues learning process. While you will write regularly on you blog but simultaneously it is also important that you explore your niche and teach yourself to make a difference in your reader’s life.

Find out useful information and share with your audience. As a blogger you will need to be up to date in your niche so that you keep generating interest of your audience to come to your blog.

Do you have basic understanding of marketing techniques?

We all are aware about social media but running a blog requires little more knowledge on what are the marketing tools to popularize your blog online. Though you can outsource blog marketing but initially you will need to manage your blog marketing yourself hence it is good idea to do some research and understand basic marketing tactics to spread your blog’s brand awareness so that you attract more readers on your blog. I will keep on sharing useful information on how to do blog marketing as per my experiences.

Are you ready to spend some money?

No business can be started without spending money. You do not need to spend so much but should plan for some funds to start your blog. Funds requirement would depend on how serious are you to your blog plan. If you want to start a professional blog (which is required in case you have plans to make it a business to earn money) then it’s important to start with good domain and hosting services along with professional looking blog.

For example, if you search for any service on google and you find 2 websites, one is average looking and another one looks very professional, which one would you contact? The obvious answer would be second one. The look of your blog makes lots of difference and for that you will need to spend some money.


Starting a blog does not always mean a guarantee to earn money online but taking the simple steps can ensure to add some value to make your blog successful. There are many more things which you should know before starting a blog but above are the basis ones.

Smarth Thukral

By Smarth Thukral
who heads enabling function & NRI Product Strategy for one of the leading Start Up in India. Beyond education, He is having 15 years of corporate work experience and is still counting. He is passionate about writing blogs on various categories which broadly includes, Start Ups, CIBIL, Finance, Blogging.

Member since August, 2017
View all the articles of Smarth Thukral.

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