leadership skills
  • 8 Tips To Identify Employees With Leadership Potential

  • Published By:
  • Category: Career Advice
  • Published Date: January 24, 2021
  • Modified Date: January 24, 2021
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Leadership Skills

What is leadership? Leadership is a buzzword which is used so often that it has lost all its meaning. In the context of businesses, leadership is an innate quality of an individual to understand the strengths and weaknesses of others. And, to help them grow. A leader is able to provide direction to the group influence them and specify the path, so the organization and employees reach the goal.

A good leader is the one that not only works for the organization as an employee but works as an agent for the organization to transform its status from time to time. This leadership is a quality that not all the employees of the organization have and to make your organization a successful one it is necessary to identify those who have leadership qualities in them because they are the main source of success for any organization.

Here are some of the tips that can help to identify those potential leaders.


Communication plays a very important role in making an employee a good leader one needs to be clear with the words and ideas. You should clearly communicate the goals and specific tasks of the organization to your employees. Since listening is also an important part of communication so a leader makes the flow of communication between.

A higher level of Engagement

A good leader will always try to make his organization a successful one and for that, he will always be ready to share new ideas and his thoughts and will never step back in asking the right questions. They are always ready to take any opportunity for the organization and they always look at the wider picture rather than gossiping and staring all day at their phone.

No fear of failure

Fear of failure is one of the big reason that stops most of the employees in making a good leader. Because failure can make do both good and bad things to your career. A good leader takes failure as an opportunity and learn from his mistakes and improves it the next time, while those who cannot handle the failure remain as an ordinary employee for the company.


A good leader is not the one who only thinks of his own success but he also motivates other employees to take part and doing their best in the company’s success. He creates a bond with the other employees and teaches and motivates them to work as a team member for the organization productivity and growth.


Sometimes employees try to complete too many tasks at once. And, they fail to do so because they think that dividing or delegating the tasks is a sign of weakness and it will have a negative impact on their position but a good leader thinks of it as a strength because it helps you in identifying the skills of each of the employee and then using those skills for the organization’s success.


To become a good leader it is necessary to handle multitasks at the same time without getting your eyes off from the main goal you need to achieve. So, to spot the leaders from your employees test them by giving a number of tasks to them at once. If they manage to do it without getting panic then these are ones that are your leaders for the tomorrow.


For the success of any organization, creativity plays a key role and for that, you need a good leader. A good leader will always try to think outside of the box rather than following the same traditional routes that are being followed by everyone.


A good leader is the one that not only takes responsibility for the success but he also has the courage to take a failure on him. Because if you blame your employees for your failure then they will not trust their leader for the next time and will not give their best.


If you want to identify leaders within your organization, look for these qualities in each individual. While leaders are packed with a lot of interpersonal strengths and strong values, they also have a few weaknesses. So, when you are trying to identify leaders, don’t just focus on strengths and be willing to let go of a few weaknesses. Moreover, a company like ECAP can also help identify people with leadership skills by doing growth mindset assessment and talent assessment.

Bilal Ahsan

By Bilal Ahsan
who is a guest author and blogger.

Member since September, 2020
View all the articles of Bilal Ahsan.

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