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Choosing a JavaScript for your web application may be unbearable. AngularJS and ReactJS are very popular now. A list of advantages and disadvantages never hurts.
First of all, you need to make a decision whether you require a one-page web application (SPA) or you would prefer a multipage approach.
It is a JavaScript framework, which is based on TypeScript. Developed and supported by Google, it is described as a Superhero JavaScript MVW framework. Angular, also known as Angular 2+, Angular 2 and ng2 is transcribed mostly incompatible successor AngularJS. Although AngularJS (the old version) was released for the first time in October, 2010 but it keeps getting bug-fixes still and so on. A new Angular was presented as a version 2 in September, 2016. The last major release, version 4, as long as version 3 was skipped. Wix, Google, Forbes, weather(.)com and healthare(.)gov use Angular (in accordance with libscore(.)com, madewithangular and stackshare).
It is characterized as a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Released in March, 2013 for the first time, React was developed and supported by Facebook, which uses React components on a few pages (however, is not a one-page application). React is used by Facebook in more different ways then Angular by Google. React is also used by Uber, Twitter, Airbnb, Netflix, Reddit, Wix, Pinterest, Udemy, Feedly, Tumblr, Paypal, Stripe, Walmart and others.
Facebook is working on React Fiber at the moment. It is going to change Facebook under the bonnet, as a result, rendering should significantly fasten up. A reverse compatibility will remain after changes. Facebook told about these changes during a conference for developers in April, 2017. Also, an article about new architecture was published.
As may be supposed, React Fiber is going to be released along with React 16.
As previously noted, Angular and React are supported and used by large companies. Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp are using them on their pages. Google uses them in a lot of its projects, for example a new user AdWords interface was put to life with the help of Angular and Dart.
It is rather difficult to compare Angular and React in Google Trends due to their different names and versions. One of the ways to receive approximate computations maybe a search in Internet & technologies category.
According to the last StackOverflow 2017 questionnaire, ReactJS is loved by 67% respondents while AngularJS – 52%. The most interesting fact is that both AngularJS and ReactJS have 100% publicity. As for “satisfaction”, ReactJS gathered 92% for “might use it again” option. Angular 2 – 65% only.
One more thing: Angular is all in one framework suggesting many things as a set. React is more flexible than Angular and you will most likely face with usage of more independent, high developing libraries, which means that you will have to take care about existing updates and migrations by yourself. It may harm in case certain packages are not supported or if some package at some point becomes a standard de-facto.
By Melisa Marzett
who is a marvelous writer and has accomplished plenty of assignments, essays, articles and other kinds of publications by the time you are about to read her next piece. Currently working for GetEssayEditor, she performs brilliantly and is never too tired to write. This is what she enjoys doing and will always do.
Member since November, 2017
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