men holding light bulb
  • Best Ways to Power Your Home and Help the World around You

  • Published By:
  • Category: Home Remodeling
  • Published Date: February 8, 2022
  • Modified Date: February 8, 2022
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Men Holding Light Bulb

Most homeowners just assume they can only get electricity from their local power company and leave it at that. However, there are other options if you want to consider the best ways to power your home and help the world around you. Knowing some of them is crucial to picking the right one for your situation.

Wind Turbines

If your home’s region is known for lots of atmospheric movement, then you might be able to put a small wind turbine on your roof. These don’t have to be the big spinning things on poles that make neighbors wince at the sight of them. They can actually blend in with your decor quite discretely, and you can store the power in batteries until you need it later.


Even if the creek running through your property is a tad small, you can likely find a miniature hydroelectric dam to install. The continuous flow of water may not generate much power each minute, but it adds up when it runs 24/7. The power you get is free of cost and emissions.

Portable Solar Generator

While many homes are going full-out solar with panels on their rooftops, there are other options. A portable solar generator is used a lot for anything from camping to tailgating, but you can use them to power up part of your home. They’re especially effective at powering up smaller appliances you need to recharge on a regular basis.


Depending on the terrain underneath your home, you might be able to have someone drill a hole down into the earth and then route a water pipe through it. Digging deep enough lets you access the heat of the planet’s interior to heat up the water in the pipe so you can power a steam turbine or just use it as a source of heat.

Choosing Your Utility

In some markets, you might get to choose your power utility provider. Some of them might be companies or co-ops that specialize in renewable forms of energy. You also might be able to sign up for renewable energy plans from a provider that has multiple options.

Building an Indoor Greenhouse

A very overlooked and underestimated project is installing an indoor greenhouse or green room. There are options to have it attached to the side of the home or have it inside, under the same room. There are challenges that come with both options, but the easiest way to get it done is to have it built right next to your home. This way you can have a door or two, and some windows that allow for the exchange of air to occur. When done correctly, an indoor greenhouse can actually provide a great deal of heat for your home. With some small fans or a couple of large quiet fans, you can easily push the air into and through your homes’ central vents with the.

Getting Even Greener

Powering your home with anything eco-friendly and renewable does the world around you a lot of good. Your lifestyle footprint consumes less of the world’s resources and emits less pollution that fuels climate change. On top of that, any options that let you generate your own power mean you don’t have to pay money for that electricity.

At the end of the day, everyone should strive to help reduce our overall footprint. There are lots of ways to help do this that, in a way, give back to the world around us without much effort. By doing so we can build a better world around us and a better future for generations to come.

Rachelle Wilber

By Rachelle Wilber
who is a freelance writer and residing in San Diego, California area. Rachelle finds an interest in all topics and have Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Media Studies.

Member since September, 2018
View all the articles of Rachelle Wilber.

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