auto brake repair
  • Car Maintenance Tips & Major Repair Costs 2022

  • Published By:
  • Category: Automotive
  • Published Date: June 25, 2022
  • Modified Date: June 25, 2022
  • Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Auto Brake Repair

Paying for your car is not the only thing that can strain your budget, but expensive car repairs can also be a big financial strain. Maintenance, however, doesn’t cost as much as the repairs are done, and it not only saves you from the trouble of frequent repairs but also extends the life of your car.

And if you have a used car, it definitely requires more attention and more care than a new car, and good maintenance can certainly add to the life of your car. Used cars or new cars, a little effort is always required to keep them up to date.

Here are some of the car maintenance tips that will not only help you in extending the life of your car but definitely come in handy in bringing down the repairs;

Inspect Your Spare Tire

Spare tires are for emergency situations, and there is no use in keeping a deflated spare tire in your car. In case your current tire deflates for some reason, you will have to call someone to rescue you, but with an inflated spare tire, you can do the job yourself, and there will be no need to call a tow truck to come to your rescue.

Change The Car’s Oil Regularly

Oil problems are one of the most costly car repairs, and regular oil changes can save you from breaking your bank for an engine repair. Neglecting the oil supply is like neglecting the overall function of your car, especially its engine, and spending a few dollars on an oil change is definitely better than spending thousands of dollars on engine repairs and replacements.

Don’t Forget To Clean The Battery

If you see whitish and bluish powder on your battery terminals, it’s time you give your battery a good cleaning with a wire brush. This blue and white powder is actually the corrosion on the terminals of your battery, and a corroded battery can definitely affect the overall functioning of your car, so it’s better to keep it clean and corrosion-free.

Swap The Brake Pads

The cars’ and drivers’ safety depends greatly on the brake pads, which makes them the most important safety protocol that you must take good care of. Experienced drivers can know when to change the brake pads; novice drivers, however, won’t know when to change the brake pads as they won’t know what they are actually looking for. Luckily, there is one thing that you can keep in your mind to know when your brake pads need a change, and that is when you hear squeaking sounds from your brake pads; it’s time to spend some bucks on them!

Don’t Forget Your Air Filters

Air filters do a very important job of filtering your air and preventing dirt and dust from outside from coming through your vents; therefore, you need to take care of them. Replacing your air filters once a year or 20,000Km will save you from the trouble of spending extra bucks on the repair of your car’s A/C unit.

Acknowledge Your Windshield Wipers

One of the worst possible scenarios while driving will be not being able to see clearly through your windshield. Therefore, replacing your windshield wipers is a safety measure you never knew you needed. Windshield wipers not only give you a clear picture of everything outside your windshield but also help you in bad or even worst weather.

Keep The Suspension System In Check

There are some things that you must keep in check for the proper functioning of your automobile, and these include struts, springs, and shocks, which are one of the most intricate parts of your car. The car owners must replace all the suspension system parts at once to keep their automobile function normally. One must keep in mind that all four parts must be changed simultaneously!

Inspect Your Car Plugs

Inspecting your car plugs frequently saves your engine from a lot of trouble and ultimately saves a lot of money needed on the repair otherwise. Although it is one of the most common engine problems seen so far, it is one of the cheapest too. So keeping a check of your spark plugs is way better than spending thousands on engine repairs. Spark plugs must be checked once every 30,000miles for a good maintenance routine of your car!

Over To You!

If one can buy a car, one can definitely pay for its repairs, but believe me, it’s not worth it. On the contrary, spending on maintenance is far better and helps you in extending the life of your car.

Stadium auto parts’ is a great option if you’re looking for a professional auto parts place. And if you are still deciding if it is better to rent a car in Dubai with a driver or buy a car, you should definitely go for renting a car, especially when you are not a native!

Myrah Abrar

By Myrah Abrar
who is a computer science graduate with a passion for web development and digital marketing. She writes blog articles for rent a car in Dubai with a driver.

Member since September, 2020
View all the articles of Myrah Abrar.

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