digital marketing 2019
  • How Technology Will Change Digital Marketing In 2019

Featured Image Caption: Digital Marketing 2019

Digital marketing has been changing very dynamically in recent years. Methods and tools tested so far are no longer a guarantee of effectiveness and bringing the company to further successes.

So let’s see how technology will change digital marketing in 2019, written by our friends over at Userful, who are experts in in-person digital marketing.

1. Technology that imitates the voice of real people

Lyrebird is a system that allows you to create a digital voice from a small sample of recording. This will allow you to offer your customers a more humane and friendly experience. Imagine that we interact with a company and whoever is on the other side of the phone seems to be our favorite movie star. This system allows you to say any phrase with the voice you have created. It can be your own, that of a famous or that of your beloved woman.

2. Big Data-Little Area

With the business data collected by a company can establish patterns that predict market behavior and, consequently, determine production with relatively reliable predictions (the crystal ball gives worse results). To order the huge amount of data in readable reports, there are Artificial Intelligence systems capable of ordering the data, establishing impossible relationships between different data and discovering opportunities where a human could only contemplate the chaos.

3. Urban facial recognition

The sophistication of the cameras reaches levels that we do not suspect and many countries are already investing budget in the installation of cameras that can identify people who pass through a certain place. In the face of marketing, these cameras could collect information as if it were male or female, age, style of dress, and with all that information, serve targeted advertising and in real time in the marquees, etc. As always, these technologies that are already applied in some US cities like New York have raised the debate about freedom-security.

4. Augmented reality functionalities

The retail brands will make available to their customers augmented reality glasses with which they can interact with the products, know their characteristics, their price, even see how they have virtually the garment, providing a series of data. This will undoubtedly be a blow to many sellers whose kind request when we enter the store will be completely useless if it is not already.

5. Simultaneous translation to many languages

It is known that the Mobile World Congress did not bring many new features this year (Samsung s9?). However, the Japanese multinational unveiled an invention that is the ultimate cry in AI translation: it is a system capable of simultaneously translating up to 19 languages from the voice of a speaker. In addition, the novelty of this system is that it will be able to translate sentences increasingly complex, even to interpret the communicative intention through machine learning and Big Data.

6. 3D printing dentist

Your visit to the dentist of the future will leave your finances shaking the same as today. Currently, the field of health is the one that is experiencing the most technological advances thanks to 3D design and manufacturing. This technology allows bringing digital creations to reality, with precision and detail. Therefore, prostheses of the future (of the present) will have a degree of customization not seen thanks to 3D technology.

7. Watchful robots for large shopping centers

The Spanish robotics company XXX is working on a robot prototype capable of recording everything that happens in a parking lot of a large area for example. Equipped with state-of-the-art cameras they will be able to report in real time any incident that occurs within their scope of action.

8. Commercial drones

It is commented in the gossip that days come when the urban sky will be populated by drones, as if it were a swarm of wasps, serving the most varied purposes. Marketing professionals will soon exploit all the information they collect from these Martian fleets to understand human behavior and design their campaigns in accordance with what is seen on the street. In the end, the fundamentals of marketing will not change no matter how well the technologies evolve.

Finally, Internet marketing nowadays is very advanced activities, modern technologies, and omnichannel strategy. Without understanding this, but also implementing the most effective and indispensable actions, guided by current trends, 2019 may turn out to be less effective than we expected.

Holly Clark

By Holly Clark
who is the part of the content and community team at Userful, experts in all things video wall and display solutions. When Holly is not spreading the word about video walls she is often found discovering the great outdoors, walking or cycling.

Member since December, 2018
View all the articles of Holly Clark.

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