stop screen recording mac
  • Steps on How to Stop Screen Recording on Mac

Featured Image Caption: Stop Screen Recording Mac

Screen recording is one of the daily tasks these days. We often come across multiple screens that we wish to revisit repeatedly. We can take screenshots or record the screen for future reference. We may want to take notes, record a conference call, webinar, Livestream, or gameplay to create amazing videos. There are different ways to record screens on Mac. After recording, at times you may face issues when you try to stop the screen recorder on Mac.

This article on how to stop screen recording on Mac has the best methods to start and stop screen recording on Mac. If the inbuilt utilities are not working for you, you can use the best screen recording software for Mac. These tips and tricks will help you resolve screen recording issues on Mac.

How to Stop Screen Recording on Mac

There are quick ways to stop the screen recorder on Mac. You can simply press the Command + Control + Esc (Escape) keys to stop screen recording on Mac. You can also stop screen recording with the Stop button on the Apple menu bar.

How to Start Screen Recording on Mac

The inbuilt Screenshot App is an easy-to-access app that can help you with screen recording activity. You can use the Screenshot Toolbar to take screenshots or record the screen.

screenshot toolbar on screen

Screenshot Toolbar on Screen

Step 1. Press Shift + Command + 5 to access the Screenshot toolbar.

Step 2. Select the portion that you wish to record. you can record the active window, drag to select a region or record the entire screen.

Step 3. Click on the Record button and initiate recording. Click on the Stop button to stop recording once done.

screenshot toolbar options button

Screenshot Toolbar Options Button

You can configure the settings in the Options button according to your preferences. You can change the ‘Save to’ location to Desktop, Documents, Mail, Messages, QuickTime Player, or some other location. Also, try the Timer feature of 5 seconds or 10 seconds. You can add your MacBook’s internal Mic or external Mic to record voice input.

Don’t forget to try out mouse clicks, floating thumbnails, and other options. You can also use this utility to capture still images with different aspects. You can capture a full-screen image, capture the active window, or drag a portion of the screen to capture a screenshot.

Screen Recording Using QuickTime Player

QuickTime Player is one of the ancient tools of the Mac family and has been a great resource for playing videos of different file formats. This tool can also be used to perform screen recording on Mac. You can try these steps to start or stop the screen recorder on Mac.

quicktime player screen

QuickTime Player Screen

Step 1. Access QuickTime Player from the Dock, Applications folder, or from the search bar on Mac.

Step 2. Click on the New Screen Recording from the menu bar on top.

screen recording button view

Screen Recording Button View

Step 3. Click on the Arrow sign next to the record button to enable recording voice using the internal microphone or add mouse clicks in the recording.

screen recording microphone option

Screen Recording Microphone Option

Step 4. Click on the Record button to start recording and then select an area to record or click anywhere on the screen to begin recording with the entire screen.

Step 5. Click on the Start recording if prompted and use the controllers to adjust the recording volume or mouse activity.

mac menu bar

Mac Menu Bar

Step 6. Once done, click on the Stop button on the menu bar on the top right, or press the Command + Control + Escape keys to stop recording.

Step 7. Once you stop recording, QuickTime Player will show the recorded video. You can play, edit, or share the recorded video from the player.

QuickTime Player also offers basic video editing features to trim, crop, or set frames. It is a free utility to record short videos without many video effects. It is available on all versions of MacOS. You can also use QuickTime Player to record Audio clips on the newer versions. You can directly play or share the recorded video for free.

Use the Best Screen Recording Software for Mac

screen recording software screen

Screen Recording Software Screen

If you want to record professional videos, make use of the best screen recording software for Mac. There are dozens of free and paid apps available to record videos on Mac. You will find limited features or time limits on video recordings with trial versions. The paid version will unbox unlimited features and recording options. Record professional videos or tutorials with the best editing effects.

Final Words

This article on how to stop screen recording on Mac has the best options to record screen on Mac. You can start or stop the screen recorder on Mac with various inbuilt tools. For professional screen recording, you need to make use of the best screen recording software for Mac. You can explore various editing features, filters, and effects to create amazing videos.

By Janny Thomas
who is a technical content writer. As from being a capable engineer, her technical knowledge and expertise in research, blended with an intimate passion to write made her love her profession to the core. She is an avid reader.

Member since October, 2019
View all the articles of Janny Thomas.

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