magento 2 migration checklist
  • Important Points to Consider to Ensure a Smooth Process During Magento 2 Migration

Featured Image Caption: Magento 2 Migration Checklist

There has been a rumor that Magento will soon stop supporting Magento 1. And this has led to an increased demand for Magento 2 migration. Since it is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms of today, business owners are also trying to take advantage of its numerous benefits. Thanks to its ground breaking performance levels, immense scalability and endless customization option that has made Magento 2 development so popular. However, while migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2, if best practices are not followed and if inexperienced developers overlook the key features, then you won’t get the best benefits of the platform and you may run into multiple issues.

Many people often make mistakes during Magento 2 migration because they decide to do so without consulting an expert opinion. The task is not an easy one and there are various steps and processes that one should follow properly. Even if you succeed in migration, you may still encounter problems.

Here are Few Areas that You Should Consider Carefully:

Losing Important Data:

Magento 2 data migration is the most crucial and also a risky stage in the transfer process. If you are not technically sound and lack experience, you might face some serious drawbacks and data loss. For large ecommerce stores, losing customer data or product information might affect the business operation seriously. So while carrying out the migration process, it is highly recommended to take a backup of your existing Magento store via an external drive or cloud storage. By doing this, you will reduce the risk of losing any important data and will be prepared for the upcoming migration process.

Slowing Down the Website Speed:

May times it is seen that during the Magento 2 migration process, the existing website often gets influenced by reduced speed and this causes great inconvenience to the purchasers. To manage this, there are simple solutions. It is important to review the present site and try to optimize it. Though the migration process will reduce the speed down, but it will not create frustration for the users. Secondly, you should consider the best time to carry out the process. Avoid any holiday or festive season as that is the peak time for sales and to attain your ultimate business goals.

Replacing or Discarding the Extensions and Themes of Magento 1

Most people consider that Magento 2 migration is just the same as an update, but this is not so. While migrating to Magento 2, you need to build everything from scratch. You can no more use your existing themes of Magento 1 and its extension. So either you have to purchase a ready to use theme or create a new design that exactly matches your requirements. You also have to replace all your existing extensions with similar ones that is supported by Magento 2.

magento 1 to magento 2 migration

Magento 1 to Magento 2 Migration

SEO Rankings:

This is a common issue that most website owners face while migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2. The changed URLS for products, web pages on a new platform, duplicate content, new page structure and numerous broken internal links and etc. all contribute to decreased rankings in the SERPs. To deal with this issue, it is suggested that you use your webmaster tool to check out the existing 404 error pages in the new site and then fix them by using 301 redirections. You can also format all the internal links as per the rules of Magento 2 and implement a site audit after the migration process.

Internal Workflow Changes:

Most often people don’t pay much attention to how the users will interact with their site after the migration process is over. They don’t consider the employees and the changes affect the internal workflow after migration. It is very important to inform all your marketing, sales and finance department about the new platform and how it might affect their internal workflow. Each department has to make a plan and then map out details on how they will work with Magento 2. This will help them to avoid any challenging situations and also unplanned delays.

So, to conclude we can say that following the above tips will make your Magento 2 migration process seamless and efficient. Though there may be some unavoidable issues, but hiring a reliable Magento 2 development company having great expertise in migration process will ensure that there is no data loss and you have minimal downtime.

magento 2 migration guide

Magento 2 Migration Guide

Prince Namdev

By Prince Namdev
who is the digital marketing professional blogger, love to write about application (Web & Mobile App) development technology and helps global clients for Magento Development and Magento Migration, Website Development, Mobile app development & support, hosting and digital marketing.

Member since September, 2017
View all the articles of Prince Namdev.

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