cialis medication
  • Is Cialis Right for You? 5 Signs the Answer Is ‘Yes’

Featured Image Caption: Cialis Medication

Has your performance in the bedroom been less than stellar lately? Have you been asking yourself, “Do I need Cialis?”

If so, you’re far from alone. Worldwide, one in three men struggles with erectile dysfunction. It’s not just older men either — experts estimate that one in four men under 40 also have ED.

Aside from the obvious, are there any other benefits of Cialis? How do you know if you’re ready to add this medication to your repertoire? Here are five questions to ask yourself.

1. How’s My Overall Health?

For men in good health, Cialis is generally a safe and effective choice.

However, like all medications, it may not be suitable for everyone. This includes men who have:

  • severe liver disease
  • uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • recent heart attack or stroke
  • heart failure
  • retinal eye problems

If you have any ongoing medical issues, be sure to discuss them with your doctor before you try Cialis. Your doctor can advise you whether it’s safe to take or if you should consider a different medication.

2. How Frequently Do I Have ED?

If you only had trouble maintaining an erection once or twice, you likely have nothing to worry about.

Many factors can contribute to ED, including stress, anxiety, anger, and depression. Is it possible that your performance problems were more mental than physical? If you’re constantly suffering erectile dysfunction and it doesn’t have to do with any of these causes, then try a medication. There are many in the market, but you can start by checking this article and learn about cialis or others.

On the other hand, if you often (or always) have trouble during sex, you could be the perfect candidate for Cialis.

3. How Often Do I Have Sex?

There are two types of Cialis medication. One is designed for daily use, while the other can be used spontaneously.

If you have sex two or more times a week, it might make the most sense to try a daily pill. Because Cialis stays in your bloodstream for 24 to 36 hours, you’ll be “ready to go” at any time.

If your sex life is less active, you should probably choose the non-daily version and use it only when you need it.

4. How Important Is Cost?

In theory, a 30-day supply of daily Cialis and an 8-day supply of the non-daily version should cost about the same. This may or may not be the case, depending on your pharmacy, insurance plan, and other factors.

As you compare costs, you should look for an online provider that offers reasonable prices and promotional coupons.

5. Do I Take Other Medications?

It’s important to tell your doctor about all medications (prescription and OTC) and supplements you take. Daily Cialis can interact with certain types of medication, including nitrates, HIV drugs, antifungal drugs, and blood pressure medications.

Again, your doctor can advise you if Cialis is the best choice for you based on other medications you currently take.

Should I Take Cialis for Erectile Dysfunction?

So, what do you think? Is Cialis the right choice for you?

If you’re considering Cialis for erectile dysfunction, talk to your doctor about your options. (And remember — it’s nothing to be ashamed of!).

We’ve discussed Cialis medication, so what’s next? Our site is full of more great tips and advice for you, so stay right here and keep browsing.

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