what is covid-19
  • Stay Safe by Understanding What Coronavirus Is

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#DidYouKnow the deadly Coronavirus is a family of viruses that can cause several diseases like cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome and Middle East respiratory syndrome in humans? This new type of COVID-19 virus has infected millions & killed several all over the world. We bring to you the top safety measures to stay protected from this lethal virus. Read here now:

What Is COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a new type of coronavirus that got discovered in 2019 in humans. As it can be passed from person to person, it has affected millions of people by now.

How Did It Appear In Humans?

These days my subscription to WOW cable TV is mostly being utilized in keeping myself updated about coronavirus. However, there are many speculations about its spread. The early hypothesis suggested that it may have found its way in humans from the seafood market in Wuhan, China in 2019. However, the later reports and studies have rejected this hypothesis because of a lack of evidence. So, the cause of its spread is still being investigated.

How Does It Spread?

The Coronavirus can spread in the following ways:

  • When two people are within 6 feet distance of each other
  • When an infected person coughs or sneezes near a healthy person
  • When a healthy person touches an object or a surface with the virus

For the third reason to be effective, the person has to touch his mouth, nose or eyes after touching the object or surface. It is not normally thought to be the major reason for the spread of this virus. It may be the case that a person may be carrying this virus but not show symptoms yet. Other people around this person are also at risk of this disease.

Read More: Coronavirus COVID-19 Disease – All You Need To Know & Statistical Report (26 March 2020)

Symptoms of Coronavirus

Up to 14 days after exposure to the Coronavirus, the following symptoms may start appearing:

  • Shortness of Breadth
  • Fever
  • Cough

In rare cases, the infected person can get really sick. He/she may start showing the following symptoms:

  • Extreme difficulty in breathing
  • Throbbing Chest Pain
  • Blue Lips or Face

It is best to call your doctor before going to the hospital. That is because the disease can spread to other people through contact. Make sure that you discuss the symptoms and your travel history with your doctor in great detail.

How Can You Treat It?

There is no treatment of this virus till now. However, some supportive measures can help in lessening the intensity of these symptoms and treating the disease over time. If you’ve been diagnosed with this disease, make sure to take these measures to protect people around you:

  • Stay Home

Limit your outdoor activities. Stay home and preferably in your room to protect your family members. Go out only to get medical assistance.

  • Cover Your Mouth and Nose

Whenever you cough or sneeze, make sure that your mouth and nose are covered. Keep washing your hands throughout the day. If that seems difficult, keep a hand sanitizer by your side. While your hands are unwashed, try to avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes.

  • Do Not Share Dishes and Glasses

Make sure that the other people in your home keep separate glasses and dishes for themselves. After using your dishes and cups, make sure to wash them thoroughly.

  • Clean and Disinfect High-Touch Surfaces

Routinely clean and disinfect surfaces like doorknobs, toilets, phones, and tables extra. Wear gloves and follow instructions carefully while cleaning these surfaces.

  • Call You Doctor Before Paying a Visit

Make sure that you inform your doctor about the visit so that he/she may take necessary precautionary measures to protect other people from getting infected.

How Can You Prevent It?

You can take the following precautionary measures to keep this disease at bay:

  • Wash Your Hands Often

Make sure that you wash your hands very often especially after coughing or sneezing. Keep washing them for at least 20 seconds. If that is not possible, use a hand sanitizer. Don’t use unwashed hands to touch your face.

  • Avoid Contact

Don’t leave your home if it’s not necessary. If the disease has already reached your community, make sure to stay at home especially if you can get sick fairly easily.

Play Your Part in Reducing the Stigma

Nowadays, everyone has access to the internet. But I feel that while my Wow bundle may be a great means to stay informed about this disease, it is not necessarily the best one to lessen fear and anxiety. We can see how people of Asian descent, travelers and healthcare providers are being marginalized.

Such people are being subjected to social rejection, denial of basic healthcare facilities and violence. It is high time that everyone becomes responsible and shares facts related to this disease so that the stigma and unfair treatment towards these people can be stopped.

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