Featured Image Caption: Chlorovirus ACTV-1
Chlorovirus ACTV-1 normally found in freshwater algae, has been discovered as an innocuous microorganism in the human body that interacts with the genes affecting behavior and cognitive impairness.
Do you have the days when you just can’t get anything right? Have you ever experience those situations when you stare at yourself in the mirror somewhere around the midnight and say “Why the hell did I do that?” Well, the chances are there that you are not inborn stupid, dumb, silly. Indeed, it may be that you have got an algae virus that is miscalculating with your cognitive systems.
A virus that targets the human brains and makes us more senseless has been discovered in US. The algae virus, never before observed in a healthy person was found to intrude the mental functions. On conducting research, Scientists at the Johns Hopkins Medical School and University of Nebraska stammered upon the discovery on an irrelevant study of throat microbes. Surprisingly they discovered that an algae virus that infects the green algae matches the DNA of the virus available in the throat of a healthy individual.
This is ACTV-1 virus that basically infects the green algae found in fresh lake waters and ponds and was earlier considered to be non infectious. Later on, scientists found that it actually affects the cognitive functions in the brain by reducing thinking span and causing a decrease in spatial awareness.
On conducting study on 92 participants, 40 tested positive for the virus and responded worse on cognitive and intelligence tests. Those infected performed 10% worse in tests. When tested on mice, the contagion broke through the barrier between tissue and blood, altering the activity of genes in the brain. One of the genes that were affected the most were those that produce dopamine which influences spatial consciousness, memory, felicity and emotions.
According to Dr. Robert Yolken, many physiological difference between person A and person B are encoded in the set of genes each inherited from the parents. Some of the differences are incited by the various microorganisms that we receive and the way they interact with our genes.
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