vertigo exercise at home
  • 4 Effective Exercises to Ease Vertigo Symptoms [Download Infographic]

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Vertigo symptoms such as spinning sensation and dizziness can put a hold on your activities and make you feel sick. Many people out their experience vertigo and if you are the victim of Meniere Disease, you might have to deal with vertigo for your entire life.

Although there are medications to deal with vertigo, these could have some side effects. So, it’s not always necessary to choose medications, especially when you have natural treatments that can work, and moreover you’ll not have to be afraid of any side effects.

Occasionally, vertigo will occur only once whereas in other cases people might experience a reoccurrence of vertigo until the underlying cause is determined. People with vertigo can also experience symptoms such as nausea or vomiting, headaches, double vision, or an increase in heartbeat.

What are the causes of Vertigo?

The common cause of vertigo can be due to some infection or ear diseases such as Meniere disease, vestibular Neuritis, and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).

Meniere disease can be caused by a disorder noticed in the inwards ear. The disorder is due to the liquid produced and the weight inside the ear; this in turn will cause dizziness along with ringing or roaring in the ears and hearing trouble.

Vestibular Neuritis can be noticed due to the infection of an inner ear due to which a person would experience pain around the nerves that help body sense balance.

BPPV is noticed when the small crystals of calcium get loose in the channels of interior parts of the ear. This causes dizziness and which would last for 20 seconds to 60 seconds. This happens due to head injury or due to the movement of the head in some specific directions.

Home exercises for Vertigo

Exercises can help you to improve and uphold your balance. Initially, start doing exercises slowly and over time, you can gradually increase the repetitions. These exercises might not work for you if you have central vertigo or peripheral vertigo that’s not caused by BPPV.

While you perform the following exercises, make sure to have someone with you so that if in case you feel uncomfortable or feel like you are falling aside. Over time, as you find some improvements you can do the exercises on your own.

1. Brandt-Daroff Exercise

This exercise will help you in improving your recovery process and end the symptoms of vertigo. Initially, you might not notice any such improvements but gradually over the period of time, this exercise can reduce the symptoms of vertigo.

  • Start in an upright seated position and make sure to keep your feet on the floor.
  • Move your head to 45 degrees to one side and rest on the other side. Make sure not to have any movement of your head. Rest in for 30 seconds.
  • Return to the initial position after 30 seconds and repeat the same for the opposite side.
  • Repeat the exercise 5 times and make sure to rest for 30 seconds after each repetition.
  • Perform two to three sets per day. First set in the morning, next in the afternoon and the last one in the evening or at night.

2. Liberatory Maneuver

This exercise does not take much time as that of the Brandt-Daroff exercise. This exercise is for dizziness from the right ear and side.

  • Sit up straight on the edge of the bed and turn your head to 45 degrees toward the left.
  • Lie down on the right side immediately and be there for 30 seconds.
  • Instantly move your body to the opposite side of your bed and make sure not to change the direction of your head. Be there at the position for 30 seconds and return to the initial position.
  • Repeat the same if you have dizziness from the left ear with your head turning 45 degrees towards the right.
  • Perform these moves for thrice a day until you ease from vertigo issues.

3. Epley Maneuver

If you notice vertigo from the right ear and side, follow the following exercise and repeat the same for the right ear and side.

  • Sit up straight on the edge of the bed and keep your legs straight ahead. Place a pillow or cushion under you in such a way that when you lie down the pillow should rest between your shoulders.
  • Lie back immediately with your head on the bed and be there for 30 seconds.
  • Move your head towards the left without lifting it and stay there for 30 seconds.
  • Turn your body and head to the left and rest for 30 seconds.
  • Slowly return to your initial position and sit for a while on the bed.
  • Repeat the process if you notice vertigo left ear and side. Turn your head to the opposite direction (right).
  • Perform these moves for thrice a day and make sure to do this exercise on a daily basis until you stop experiencing the vertigo symptoms.

4. Foster Maneuver

This is the simplest exercise for vertigo and also named as half-somersault. If you spot vertigo from the right ear and side, follow the instruction below. For the left ear vertigo, do the following means on the right side.

  • Stoop down with your hands on the floor and look up to the ceiling for a few seconds.
  • Touch your forehead to the floor by tucking your chin toward the knees. Hold the position for about 30 seconds.
  • Turn the head toward the right and stay there for 30 seconds.
  • Immediately raise your head such that it is in level with your back. With your head at 45 degrees, rest for 30 seconds.
  • Return to initial upright position quickly.
  • Repeat the exercise a few more times for relief. Give a gap of 15 minutes after each set of repetitions.

Vertigo Exercises Infographic

Click here to check and download the very well presented vertigo exercises infographic.

Ashwini Rao

By Ashwini Rao
who is a content writer and SEO manager at MJPhysio – Physiotherapy clinic situated at three different locations of Canada; Vancouver, Surrey and Fleetwood. She loves to explore on health and found of writing articles on health, fitness and wellness.

Member since August, 2020
View all the articles of Ashwini Rao.

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