exercise for seniors at home
  • Simple and Effective Exercises for Seniors to Do at Home

Featured Image Caption: Exercise for Seniors at Home

Indeed, exercise is the best way to stay active for seniors as well as adults!

They need to exercise daily according to their needs, whether they are active or have less mobility.

So, each senior should consider exercise to remain active! They can even use a bed cooling pad to get relief after a workout at home.

In this article, we will discuss the best exercises that every senior should do.

Reliable Outcomes of Doing Exercises Daily:

Older people have health issues because, with age, they get weak. The other reason is that they don’t prefer exercise, which is the best way to remain healthy.

senior couple is running

Senior Couple is Running | Image Credit: istockphoto

So, we suggest you properly exercise daily. Furthermore, besides being older, others also can exercise. It helps to avoid many changes related to quality of life! You can also consider ems suits for home workout sessions.

FACT: According to the research of Dr Stephanie Kaye-Barrett, it was concluded that older people do exercise daily. Then it helps them to avoid any type of fall and injury related to it.

Further, it helps to recover or enhance the functioning and also avoid issues related to lack of functionality.

FACT: Several reports also suggest that exercise is the best way not only for older people but also for those who have diseases.

The following are the diseases that can be cured through exercise:

  • Cardiac illness
  • Prolonged disruptive respiratory disease
  • Cerebral injury
  • Weakness
  • Hip cracks
  • Osteoporosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Stroke

Moreover, it is important for everyone to know the importance of exercise at every age!

It not only strengthens your body but also prevents diseases. So, you all must aim to exercise daily for a healthy body.

TIP: You don’t need to exercise too much; only a little exercise can give you better results. But don’t skip the day and exercise on a regular basis because it minimizes the ways of healthy living.

Daily Exercises Plan for Heart Patients:

It is true that little physical activity on a daily basis is better than nothing!

FACT: According to the CDC, you must exercise 150 minutes on a weekly basis. These exercises must be related to cardiovascular and also have moderate intensity.

Further, you should also exercise to strengthen your muscles for two days. We suggest you start the exercise with an intensity that is easy to bear for you.

Top 6 Best Exercises Plan for seniors:

Chair squat

When you are sitting, then go to the standing position and vice versa. Then this daily exercise is the best way to improve your health and activity.

TIP: The movement helps to target glutes, quads and core. Further, you can also keep balance and coordination with this physical activity.

To do this exercise, you don’t need anything but only a durable chair!

Further, it is important for you to make a goal. In this goal, you must aim that you will exercise without using arms and the upper body.

senior couple is doing squat exercise

Senior Couple is Doing Squat Exercise | Image Credit: istockphoto

But in that case, you will need someone’s help, so don’t worry. The reason is that it is fine if you take help from others. But for a better experience, you can use a chair that is comfortable.

  • Then stand in the way that your back is towards the seat.
  • After that, place your hip apart and check the position.
  • Then wrench shoulders back, move your hips in the forward position and curve your knees.

TIP: Dr Antoni Chan suggests you take your breath in and move your hip in the backward position. Also, curve your knees when you slowly turn your hip towards the chair.

  • Further, you should also keep your arms in front to keep balance when you sit.
  • Now make the direction of the knees with toes while sitting.

Farmer’s walk

When you practice this type of exercise, then it improves your balance and coordination.

Further, it also helps to increase the strength of the lower body, back and grip. If you want to add resistance to physical activity, then use dumbbells.

  • Firstly stand straight and focus on the position.
  • Now engage core, roll shoulders and tight abs in a way that these are towards the spine. Then grip dumbbells in each hand.
  • Then continuously walk to the forward position and keep control. You must walk in a way that your every step exaggerates.

TIP: Don’t try to take long steps, only raise your knees and feet at a higher height than your usual height.

Wall or incline pushup

If you want to improve the strength of the upper portion, then the only option is wall pushups!

In the upper portion, the following are present:

  • Chest
  • Shoulders
  • Triceps
  • Core

This exercise is the best in a way that you don’t need equipment to do it.

  • Keep your arm in a way that it is at a height away from the wall.
  • Then keep the palms of your hand flat on the wall at the level of your shoulders.

TIP: It is important to keep arms at a parallel position to the ground. Also, your feet must be hip-distance away.

  • Now engage core, roll shoulders and tight abs in a way that these are towards the spine. You must do this step because it is very important for you.
  • Curve your elbow and move your chest and shoulder near to the wall. It is important to curve your elbow in the backward position at an angle of 45 degrees.

Weight Training

It is important for the seniors to take into account this exercise.

Indeed, lightweight training is the best way to improve muscle strengthening. It also helps to keep bone density and avoid any stress on the muscles.

FACT: The best weight that seniors can use for exercise is 2 pounds, according to Professor Richard Keen. But if seniors don’t find any weight, then they can use other things like a water bottle.

physiotherapist assisting a female patient

Physiotherapist Assisting a Female Patient | Image Credit: istockphoto

Further, seniors can also get home care if they won’t help with exercise or daily work. It is the best way to keep you in balance and also help to increase body strength.

So, seniors must use the services of reliable in-home care!


With the increase in age, seniors lose the flexibility of joints.

So, in that case, yoga is the best option because it helps to keep balance, coordination and flexibility.

There are different types of yoga practices that everyone can do. So, seniors can choose the yoga type according to their mobility!


When seniors decide to exercise, then they can’t avoid the strength practice. There are different best ways that help in strengthening legs.

One of these ways is squats because it strengthens muscles in the lower body portion.

  • Seniors must stand straight and keep toes in the forward position.
  • Then curve knees until they bow in a closer seated posture.
  • After that, repeat this physical activity to achieve muscle mass.

TIP: If seniors require balance and help, then they can hold a chair. It is important for seniors not to avoid the lower body because strong legs prevent you from falling.

Final Verdict:

Finally, we have discussed the six exercises that every senior must do. These exercises are not important only for seniors; others can also practice!

If you practice any one of the above exercises, then we assure you that your body will strengthen.

Obviously, you all want a strong and healthy body, so why are you waiting?

TIP: Mr C Wilkinson suggests that you try these exercises and maintain your balance and coordination. Further, through these exercises, your body keeps the balance.

As a result, it prevents you from falling or injury and any type of health issue.

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