ankle sprain treatment
  • Why Physical Therapy Can Help You Heal From Your Sprained Ankle

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Statistics indicate that approximately 23,000 Americans experience ankle sprains daily. The majority of the sprains are experienced by basketball players and the military, due to their athletic activities. Ankle sprains occur when the foot twists beyond its normal range of the movement, causing the ligaments to overstretch or tear. Sprains typically take between two weeks and two months before they heal. Nevertheless, a severely injured ankle sprain can take between nine months and one year to heal. Individuals can experience re-injury, especially if the muscle strength and balance are not fully restored.

Physical Therapy Treatment

Physical therapy is essential for individuals who experience ankle sprains by reducing pain, regaining strength, balance, and preventing re-injury. Moreover, it helps patients recover more quickly more than they would without treatment. Physical therapists design treatment for individuals depending on their extent of injury and recovery needs. The following are ways in which physical therapy helps you heal from your sprained ankle.

Reduce Pain

Physical therapy is considered one of the best choices to manage chronic pain or injury. Your sports medicine doctors will assess the areas of weakness or stiffness that might be adding stress and pressure to the places that hurt. Pain relief exercises include stretching, specialized massage, ultrasound, and TENS. Reducing pain is one of the main things you want to do when engaging in physical therapy. When done right, exercise helps with pain and soreness. Be sure to keep these things in mind when doing any sort of physical therapy, for it will be an aid to you.

Improve Motion

Human movement involves neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems. The human body is prone to injuries, disease, aches, and pain due to wear and tear from the constant use of the musculoskeletal system. Ankle sprains hinder foot movements which disrupt normal activities. Nevertheless, physical therapists have experience with body movements and are critical during the recovery process. Physical therapists will design a range of activities and treatments to restore regular movements in the ankle. These activities may begin with passive motions, and later the physical therapist may progress to active exercises. In severe ankle injury, your physical therapist will work with your doctor to maximize recovery and prevent re-injury.

Improve Strength

The majority of ankle sprains are linked to weak, uncoordinated, and injured leg muscles. Muscle building activities such as stretch bands and weight-lifting may help in the recovery process. Your physical therapist chooses muscle-building activities based on individual needs and the extent of the injury.

Improves Balance and Agility

Regaining balance, speed, and accuracy is essential after injury, particularly for athletes. Your physical therapist will choose activities that will restore static and dynamic balance. Some of these exercises include sidestepping, standing march, sit-to-stand, heel-to-toe walking, and leg stand. Physical therapy is great for improving balance and agility. It teaches your muscles exactly how to move and helps you understand how to control them with your mind more closely.

Although ankle sprains are common injuries in America, physical therapy can accelerate recovery through pain management, a gain of balance, and muscle-building.

Rachelle Wilber

By Rachelle Wilber
who is a freelance writer and residing in San Diego, California area. Rachelle finds an interest in all topics and have Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Media Studies.

Member since September, 2018
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