slip and fall injuries
  • Getting Back Up: How to Take Care of Yourself After a Slip and Fall Injury

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Falls are unexpected and can lead to serious injuries, especially for seniors, so it’s important to understand how to care for yourself afterwards. Falls should be taken seriously as there can be unseen injuries that require medical attention.

Here are the things you should do after a slip and fall.

Check Yourself Over

Before rushing to get back up, wait for a few moments to see how you feel. If you try to get up and have a serious injury, you can make it worse. Taking a bit of time to allow yourself to think and understand your situation can prevent a second fall.

Seek Medical Attention

Seeking medical attention can reveal unseen injuries. Although you may feel fine, that isn’t always the case. Concussions can be caused by the impact of a fall, even if you didn’t hit your head. Going to a doctor will put you on the right track to recovery. If you only have a few scrapes and bruises, then at least your mind will be at ease.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can come in the form of exercise, massages, or heat treatments. This may be an option to speed up recovery, depending on the type of injury you have. If you fell due to a lack of balance, then physical therapy can strengthen core and leg muscles. Stronger leg and core muscles can improve balance and prevent future falls. Fractures can also benefit from physical therapy. After a fractured leg or hip, the muscles can atrophy from lack of used during healing. Physical therapy helps strengthen the muscles and prevent atrophy. Your doctor can help you know if you need physical therapy or not, as well as the specific benefits for your injury.


Although it is tempting to try and get back into daily life as soon as possible, it is important to take things slow. Your health is most important, and now is the time to take care of yourself. Overworking yourself can lead to prolonged recovery or even permanent damage. If your accident was due to someone else’s negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct, personal injury lawyers can help you get the compensation you need so that you can focus on healing without worrying about medical bills and living expenses.

Prevent Future Falls

Everyone falls now and then, but if you’ve noticed yourself slipping more than usual, there are some safety measures you can take to prevent falls in the future. Clear your home of clutter, and install non-slip flooring wherever possible. In areas you’re more likely to lose your balance, like the bathroom, install grab bars.

Your health and wellbeing are important. Seeing a physician and being patient with yourself as you recover is key. Be diligent in the treatment options your doctor has for you. With the proper attention and care, you can quickly be on the road to recovery.

Anita Ginsburg

By Anita Ginsburg
who is a freelance writer and residing in Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University, and now writes articles about health, business, family and finance. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. Anita recommends trying out a local sandwich shop when you’re trying to eat healthier.

Member since July, 2019
View all the articles of Anita Ginsburg.

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