toothache causes
  • Toothache: Causes, Symptoms & Triggers

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Once in a lifetime, you would feel pain in the tooth. Even if you keep your teeth clean and try and maintain a proper oral routine, yet you might at some point of time feel pain in the tooth. There is a slight chance that even after taking so many precautions that slight pain triggers and if you ignore it at that particular time then it can be a matter of serious concern.

But have you ever thought why does your toothache? The reasons could be many. A few of them are:

  • Tooth Decay – This is the most common reasons for tooth pain. When there is a cavity in your tooth then there is sure shot chance of toothache. The pain at that particular can sometimes be so triggering that its sensations can be felt in the adjacent teeth as well.
  • Abscess Tooth – If your tooth is infected i.e. the infection spreads from the center of the tooth and reaches the nerve then your tooth pain. The pain can be so high that it becomes unbearable.
  • Tooth Fracture – If your tooth has met with an accident such that it has cracked or chipped, then this will expose the dentin which is the lower layer of enamel. Dentin being exposed will make your tooth extra sensitive so much so that even the cold air from outside will trigger pain in that tooth.
  • Damaged Filling – If you have fillings done in your tooth and if they fall off or are damaged then this too will expose the tooth causing sensitivity leading to tooth pain.
  • Bruxism – Bruxism commonly known as teeth grinding can cause toothache. This is because they cause pressure on your teeth wearing down the enamel of your tooth.
  • Gum Infection – Gums, if infected, will get damaged creating spaces between the teeth. This creates gum pockets which attracts the bacteria leading to tooth pain.

These are the reasons that cause gum diseases but are known only when you visit a dentist. So how will you know that you have tooth pain? There are some signs and symptoms which help you know that it is high time that you visit your dentist.

If you feel pain while biting or chewing

One can experience sharp shooting pain while eating or biting. The pain could be due to any of the various factors such as a cracked or chipped tooth. Abscess tooth or can be that you have an infection somewhere in your mouth which is causing this pain.

If you feel pain due to sensitivity

The sensitive tooth is a prone toothache. Sensitivity to cold or hot food and beverage or too sweet food causes the sensation in the tooth which is the reason behind the pain. Sensitive teeth are caused due to two reasons – gum recession or wear down of tooth enamel. It is therefore advised to visit a dentist as soon as you come across sensitivity as it is very important to know the reason behind it. There is sensitivity toothpaste available in the market which can prove to be helpful.

Swelling in the Jaw

If you are facing any swelling in the jaw then chances of tooth pain are quite high. Having swelling in the jaw is the indication of gum or jaw infection. Another reason for swelling can be an infection in the tooth which is called abscess tooth. If you face any of the stated reasons then go visit a dentist as soon as possible. The reason could be any which should surely not be ignored causing other risk associated.

The behavior of your tooth such as the sensations that let you know that you have pain in the tooth is called trigger. The triggers that can start pain in the tooth or can make it worse are:

  • Cold food such as ice cream or cold beverage
  • Sweet food such as the Indian mithai
  • Pressure applied on your tooth
  • Biting hard food

In all the cases discussed above one needs to visit a dentist. Look out for the best dental clinic options or for a dentist near me to know about your tooth. They will help you to know the reason behind the pain and what can be done to overcome the pain. This will overcome the pain from the root causing no further harm to your teeth. in a way diagnosing early can save your tooth which is related to your overall health.

Iftekhar Tabish

By Iftekhar Tabish
who is residing in New Delhi and has extensive experience in content writing.

Member since April, 2019
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