Uber Accused of Devastating a Marriage
  • Uber Accused of Devastating a Marriage

  • Published By:
  • Category: Market Updates
  • Published Date: April 6, 2017
  • Modified Date: May 12, 2020
  • Reading Time: 7 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Uber

Technology is one thing which has got us smitten by its mere existence and most of the people are almost addicted to it. The gadgets have become the second closest thing to them, apart from their family and friends. Now, most of them spend most of their time on the smartphones, it helps them to stay occupied throughout the day.

There are many different kinds of applications available on the smartphones. A few of them are real of a productive kind and the rest would be of different kinds. People have created a strong relationship with the virtual world, to an extent that a few of them actually have forgotten the real world. It is a good thing that we are upgrading ourselves with the changing times, but we need to stay grounded no matter what.

We as humans get to travel all day long which could be out workspace, home or any other hangout place. There are many different modes through which we can travel to different places. Technology has come to our rescue in this particular aspect as well, it is the cab service which we are here talking about. Uber, being one of the biggest online transportation networks, is helping millions of people around the world to travel with great comfort.

The growth which the company has attained so far is simply commendable and appreciable. It did face many hardships, downfalls, and obstacles along its way to the ladder of success. But still, the company has made a pretty good mark for itself amongst all the odds. There have been many accusations made against the company right from the lay authorities to the general public.

While, the complete world is going gaga all over the world, as they are reaping many benefits through technology. There is a particular businessman from France, who feels that his marriage went into a complete wreck and has ended on a bitter note. He claims the responsibility to be the world famous ride-hailing organization Uber, for this complete havoc.

The man happened to use his spouse smartphone to use the Uber app and on a later note, he did sign out of the app. He claims that there was a particular glitch on the app, which automatically enabled the notification to know about his whereabouts. It is said that the app displayed all the Uber activity and his wife found out that and it wasn’t agreeable.

Le Figaro is the man who happened to use the app on his wife phone and unfortunately, the marriage ended in a divorce. This made him file a case against the company for ruining his marriage and has demanded a compensation of a whopping 48 million US dollars. He claims that the notifications which were sent out to the iPhone of his wife were not secured with any password to grant access in the first place.

It is said that the app was receiving the notifications of entire details of the pickup and drop off locations. Therefore, his wife suspected of having an illegitimate relationship with someone out of his marriage. This led to filing a case for divorce and that is how the whole problem started. Now, the question is that, did the app really have a glitch in the first place and if so, is it possible to receive notifications even when the user is not logged?

Uber stated that it wouldn’t like to comment on this kind of case, which involves just an individual and where there is a separation of a couple is involved. The bug which Le Figaro found on the app, found that this particular problem was existent in the previous versions of the app as well. He actually tested the app and found that the Uber will notify the person of the latest activity of the app, but not the location to where the particular individual has traveled to.

The fact is that this particular bug has been detected only on the iPhone devices and not the Android ones. This is not for the first time that the company is facing an issue; apparently, they have faced other set of issues in the past as well. It is said, in the month of December 2016, the drivers from Uber at the French airstrips protested to hike the payments which they are receiving.

This particular has not started on a good note for Uber; it has been receiving many accusations against the operations of the company. It said that the company has the access to record the movements of the people who had a high profile and were celebrities. If they are performing this then it is considered to be against the federal law and the safety of privacy of the particular individual as well.

The person has made an accusation stating that Uber is responsible for the divorce he received from his wife. On the flip side, it is not because of the notifications which were flashing on his wife’s iPhone even after logging out of the account. As a matter of fact, his wife found out that he was having an affair out of his marriage and that led to the divorce.

A bug of the notifications has been fixed in the latest version of the app, the people who have the older version did happen to face this particular problem. There are around 40 million regular users of Uber and it is hard to know the facts and figures of the people who have experienced the same kind of issue.

Technology and the digital gadgets have indeed created a complete wreck and havoc in different relationships. It is a fact that, at present, it is hard to find people or couples to have a normal conversation in real time. All we get to see is that they are have glued their eyes to the screens and are swiping through it. Face-to-face conversations have become days of past, the world has developed tremendously with the technology and its advancement.

Unfortunately, the humans have to start to lag in expressing their real emotions and having proper one to one conversations. In past, there were different ways to find out whether an individual’s significant other is cheating on them or not. Spies were hired to follow them around and to know the truth. Things have changed over the decades and technology has become a handy thing for the people.

Here is a big question is that, if the French man’s wife didn’t notice the notifications in the first place. Was there any possibility of not knowing the fact and there would have never a divorce applied. The fact is that, if the truth needs to be revealed, it can be done by any means, a mere app is not the problem here. Is Uber really responsible for the couple to get separated? Well, we are not sure with the fact of Uber being the reason behind the separation.

In the past, the organization has faced many different kinds of issues from the public. They happened to leave the cities if they were unable to fulfill the terms and conditions which have been imposed by the general public. As for now, we can say that this particular French guy has filed a case against them and the hearing is said to be conducted in the month of March. The person receiving compensation will be a big question unless and until the final verdict is provided by the court.

By Anand Rajendran
who is the CEO and Co-Founder of Zo-Play, a company that develops the best mobile apps with cloning scripts. Cabily is a software created by his company with Uber cloning scripts enabling taxi owners to manage and improve their business with unique features.

Member since August, 2017
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