blocked drains
  • What Every Homeowner Needs to Know About Blocked Drains

Featured Image Caption: Blocked Drains | Image Credit: unsplash(.)com

When it comes to your home, few things are as troublesome as a clogged drain. Not only can it be expensive to fix, but it’s also a terrible inconvenience. A drain blockage can occur for many reasons, and they aren’t always, in fact often not, your fault.

Using Chemical Cleaners

There are many explanations as to why you might have a slow-running sink, or it may have stopped draining altogether. The usual culprits are things going down the pipes like grease or food particles. This debris will stick to the walls of the lines and eventually clog them.

It’s remarkably similar to what happens on the inside of your body. Grease, known as cholesterol, builds plaque in your arteries that eventually clog, causing a heart attack. In your home, the clog is usually so deep that you cannot clear it with a chemical cleaner.

While you may get some debris to clear using these chemicals, it only creates a small opening. It won’t be long before the clog closes off again, and the next time it may be worse than before. Using these chemicals is putting a band-aid on a much larger problem.

Common Issues

Other than food making its way down your drains, people tend to flush things they shouldn’t. Your drains are only made to accommodate waste and toilet paper. You cannot flush feminine products or items unsafe for your septic system. The flushable wipes are another major issue.

If you read the fine print on these cloths, you can only flush one per use. Sadly, these don’t break down the same way toilet paper does, and they can cause a significant problem. Other issues with blocked drains may be out of your control, such as tree roots.

Tree roots cause costly damage. They invade your pipes and septic lines, causing cracks. The root can be as small as an ink pen, or it can be as large as a man’s leg. Regardless of the size, the damage is always severe.

Why Is Preventative Maintenance So Important?

Your drains need occasional maintenance to keep them from clogging. Running a drain cleaner to eat away at the plaque is advisable, especially if you want to prevent a backup.

Additionally, your pipes could be old and eroded due to the collection of debris and sediment over time. Another issue could develop if you try to clear the drains by using a snake or power auger. You can scrape the pipes causing damage or cracks.

Using Drain Cleaning Experts

When you’re faced with a clogged or backed-up pipe, it’s essential to call in professionals. While using home remedies may clear a bit of the issue, it’s not enough to completely rectify the situation.

Experienced drain cleaners can help you go deep into the plumbing system to get to the heart of the matter. Using drain cameras and other tools, they can zero in on saving time and money. If you are having trouble with your plumbing, it is best to consult the professionals.

Lizzie Weakley

By Lizzie Weakley
who is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and walks in the park with her husky, Snowball.

Member since August, 2019
View all the articles of Lizzie Weakley.

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