importance of high-rise buildings
  • 3 Reasons to Have Your Office in a High Rise

  • Published By:
  • Category: Real Estate
  • Published Date: November 23, 2021
  • Modified Date: November 23, 2021
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Importance of High-rise Buildings

Who hasn’t thought about living or working on top of the world? High-rise offices offer several benefits that office buildings on the ground just can’t compete with. Even so, you may not know the specific benefits of being high up in the sky. Such as the view, the fact that you can move your office closer to home, and the sense of community that builds between everyone in the building. The benefits of working in a high rise have many different favorable accommodations depending on your business and what you yourself want to get out of it. Let’s discuss a few.

Close Community Accommodations

Working in a high-rise means that there’s the opportunity for multiple companies to share the same building. Seeing the same people day in and day out can lead to establishing office friendships, friendly relations with other floors, and generally just make going to work that much better.

When you build office friendships with those that live in your building, you’re given access to the community that develops there. This means a chance for building-wide celebrations, people that can hold doors or elevators open for you, and your office has a chance to grow in prominence as everyone who’s there knows where it is.

The Accommodation of Beauty

The Zen moments of working in a high rise can also benefit things such as your mental health and work ethic. Having a community is a nice perk, but the reason you’re there is to do a job, which means being in your office. A high-rise offers a beautiful view to look at while you’re making money, stuck in meetings, or trudging through long work hours. No matter the time of day, you’ll always have something worth looking at. This can also help in making your office a nice-looking place to work, especially if you have the opportunity to take advantage of windows, natural light, or the city landscape.

Accommodating Endless Needs

Working in a high-rise with other businesses means that some of those businesses will be directed towards you. Restaurants, gyms, and lounges are common installations for a highrise with the money to pay for it and the people to use them. Deciding on what to eat for lunch suddenly gets a lot easier when the answer is just a few floors down from you. High-rise buildings that choose to take advantage of providing building amenities, buildings, for example, like 26 Journal Square, make choosing to locate your office there almost a no brainer.

Choosing to bring your office to a high-rise means that you can factor out travel time, keeping everything close by. This is in comparison to having to either build an entirely new building somewhere where there’s open space, likely further outside the city, and have nothing or few options around. Working in the city means you are close to your or your employee’s homes, other businesses you might want to take advantage of, such as restaurants, and when you walk outside you’re immediately on a social scene. It’s much easier to plan after-work plans when everything is nearby.

The takeaway from all this is simple – high-rise offices have significant advantages for everyone, and choosing a high-rise office can be a rewarding experience. Whether it just be for the view or because of the people you’d end up a meeting inside, there will be many opportunities waiting for you inside. You might think a high-rise office is a great idea based on the fact that you’ll be within walking distance of everything since you’ll still be in the city, or that you can live nearby and the commute could be a simple brisk walk.

By Kara Masterson
who is a freelance writer from Utah. She graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

Member since April, 2021
View all the articles of Kara Masterson.

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