causes of lack of sleep
  • 4 Possible Reasons for Insomnia in Middle-Aged Men

  • Published By:
  • Category: Mental Stress
  • Published Date: April 29, 2020
  • Modified Date: May 11, 2020
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Causes of Lack of Sleep

Untreated insomnia is going to bring your life to a grinding halt and impact almost every aspect of your physical and mental health. Insomnia sufferers will be quick to tell you that it is much more than just a lack of sleep. This frustrating sleep disorder quickly takes over and makes life miserable. For middle-aged men in particular, there are specific things that can cause insomnia. Here is a quick look at a few of the most common causes of insomnia in middle-aged men and some tips that you can use to improve your sleep schedule.

Anxiety and Stress

Ongoing stress can wreak havoc on your sleeping habits, and that might be what is causing your insomnia. If you feel as if you have severe anxiety, then you should speak with a mental health specialist right away. A medical professional can help you come up with a comprehensive treatment plan that might include options such as therapy, guided meditation, or prescription medications.

If the stress causing your insomnia is due to temporary situations, consider identifying some calming techniques and strategies that work for you. Things like yoga, meditation, and creating a meaningful routine in your life, particularly at night, will help to lower your stress and anxiety levels.

Underlying Cardiovascular Problems

Cardiovascular problems are very common among middle-aged men, and they can impact how much sleep you get as well as your quality of sleep. To improve your cardiovascular health, you should follow a strict diet and exercise as much as possible. While everyone has slightly different dietary needs, the average male is going to benefit from a diet that primarily consists of fresh produce, lean sources of meat, and whole grains. You must also limit your intake of processed foods, sugar, and alcohol.

While heart problems can affect sleep, poor sleep quality can also negatively impact your cardiovascular health. Those who suffer from insomnia are more likely to develop coronary heart disease. Speak with your doctor about your insomnia, especially if you have pre-existing heart conditions or notice other changes in your health.

Hormonal Changes

As you grow older, your hormones are going to fluctuate, and that could eventually affect your sleep schedule. Luckily, balancing your hormones should be an easy process as long as you are relatively healthy otherwise. Many middle-aged men benefit from low testosterone treatments that bring their hormones back up to a good level. Those types of treatments can be carried out many different ways, and you will need to speak with a doctor who can further explain the pros and cons of the different treatments.

Insomnia can worsen hormone problems and decrease hormone levels, so it is important to take care of both of these issues as soon as you can.

Chronic Pain

Another common cause of insomnia is chronic pain, and there may come a point when old injuries begin to catch up with you. Over-the-counter painkillers will temporarily relieve your pain, but those products aren’t a long-term solution as they can sometimes cause liver damage and issues with addiction or dependence. You should consider working with a physical therapist who will be able to uncover and treat the root causes of your chronic pain. They can also give you tips and tricks on how to avoid future injuries. You may be surprised at just how much better you sleep when you start to deal with the root causes of your chronic pain.

In order to figure out exactly what is causing your insomnia, you must speak with your primary care physician about having some tests carried out. This sleeping condition can be caused by serious medical problems that require comprehensive treatments.

Anica Oaks

By Anica Oaks
who is a freelance writer who hails from San Francisco. When she’s not writing, she’s enjoying her time outside with her dogs. Anica recommends low testosterone treatments for men who have hormonal imbalances.

Member since August, 2019
View all the articles of Anica Oaks.

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