woman wearing white long sleeved shirt
  • 5 Reasons Your Hair is Thinning and What to Do About it

  • Published By:
  • Category: Beauty Tips
  • Published Date: May 27, 2022
  • Modified Date: May 27, 2022
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Woman Wearing White Long Sleeved Shirt

While it is normal to lose some hair throughout the day, anything more than 100 strands may be a cause for concern. Thinning hair may not eventually lead to baldness, however, it can be a sign of a troublesome health issue. What are some of the major causes of thinning hair and what can you do to reverse this hair loss?

Use of Harsh Hair Products and Over-Treatment

How you treat your hair is a big influence on its overall health. For example, treatments such as coloring, perms, and relaxers can cause the hair to thin or fall out over time. While you do not need to stay away from treatments completely, it is a good idea to be judicious about how often you lean on them. Some of the harshest hair products may also lead to excessive thinning. This includes heavy gels or mega-hold hair sprays. Lastly, using hair bands that pull too tight can also stress the locks, causing them to thin out over time.

Chronic Stress

Some level of stress is normal and healthy. However, chronic stress may lead to an increase in the hormone cortisol. An overabundance of this hormone has been linked to the demise of new hairs trying to replace those that have fallen out. As a result, you may notice your hair start to thin if you are dealing with chronic stress.

Hormonal Changes

Changes to the body’s natural hormone levels can also wreak havoc on your tresses. Women who have recently given birth often notice that their hair may begin to thin out, especially when compared to the thick locks they might have enjoyed during pregnancy. Stopping birth control pills or other types of hormonal treatments may also trigger the hair to thin. The bottom line is that any sort of the hormonal change in any direction may impact the health and appearance of your hair.

Nutritional Deficiencies

What you put into your body can influence the health of your hair. Foods that are high in iron, zinc, and folic acid have been demonstrated to potentially boost hair production, leaving your hair looking thicker and shinier. This is because these types of nutrients support the normal development of hair growth. Without the right nutrients going into your body, it makes sense that the hair will start to thin.

Underlying Medical Conditions

While not as common, thinning hair could be an indicator of a more serious medical condition. For example, some people that are dealing with autoimmune diseases may notice that their normally full head of hair has become more sparse. A deficiency in the immune system could also manifest itself as hair thinning. Issues with the skin such as serious infection may lead to the thinning out of your locks. Your doctor will be able to guide you if you suspect that an underlying health condition may be the cause of your hair thinning.

What You Can Do About Thinning Hair

The good news is that you are not powerless when it comes to thinning hair. There are several steps that you can take, both cosmetically and internally, to reverse this trend. For an easy fix, consider the use of a hair topper to hide the sparse spots on your head of hair. This type of product is a good choice if you do not need a full wig or extenders and simply want to cover up those thinning spots.

You can also choose to address the issue internally by ensuring that you are nourishing your body with the right nutrients. Being diligent about getting enough zinc, folic acid, and iron in your diet will help to maintain thicker hair because these nutrients stimulate new follicle growth.

It is also recommended to be purposeful about choosing products that support the hair that you desire. An anti-thinning shampoo can go a long way in helping to boost volume. Some people have also found success in treating thinning hair through the use of topical essential oils, scalp massage, and at-home laser therapy.

Getting to the root cause of your thinning hair and finding ways to overcome this issue will help you to feel more confident about your appearance.

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