causes of truck accident
  • 5 Common Causes of Truck Accident

  • Published By:
  • Category: Automotive
  • Published Date: September 7, 2020
  • Modified Date: September 7, 2020
  • Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Causes of Truck Accident

Truck accidents are very common everywhere on earth and the sheer reason being that the size of the truck. You need to have some highly efficient and proficient drivers who can drive trucks comfortably. If you handover your truck to a taxi driver then the truck might land up breaking up into pieces.

The first responsibility of the truck owner is to hire a well-experienced truck driver in the past. There are various types of the truck such as,

  • Garbage Dumping Truck
  • Tanker Trucks
  • Tractor Trailers
  • Tow Trucks
  • Cement Mixer
  • Mobile Cane Trucks
  • Car Carriers

It has been seen that almost 51% of truck accidents result in fatal death cases over the world. A car crash is very common and death due to truck accidents is more common.

5 Common Causes of Truck Accident

Accidents can not be predicted but one can keep themselves ready for such incidents. If you are a truck owner then you must know that your truck could take the life of someone and that might lead you to great trouble. Hence, you must be ready about it beforehand. You can get in touch with the truck accident lawyers who deal with truck accident cases often.

Speeding Truck

Speeding is not good for trucks, especially bigger trucks that are used in construction. Major tracking companies do use speed limiters and it also depends on the responsibility of the driver to maintain the speed of the truck. Trucks are huge and speeding trucks are actually dangerous for the drivers even, it is mandatory to slow down near the speed breakers on reading or else the truck might have a bad accident.

Drinking and Driving

After many surveys being conducted, it has been found that many of the truck drivers drink and drive. This is the major reason for many truck accidents. It is very normal that a driver on duty must abstain from alcohol but drivers fail to do that, most of the drivers drink while driving, and as a result of which they land up doing some drastic accidents. If anything such happens then the license of the driver is taken away.


Most over-confident drivers like to overtake, they rash drive to overtake and then lands up hitting someone hard. Hence it can call for some legal actions against you. Hence you better be very careful while you take a driver for your truck, make sure that your truck is in the right hands and you do not land up in various problems.

Severe Climate

During heavy rain or floods, the truck might seem to be safe because they are huge but at the same time, it is actually very dangerous because in severe climatic conditions the road conditions might not be good enough. In such a condition, if your truck is out for work or anything then there is a high possibility of having an accident in that.

Brake Failure

If you are the owner then make sure that before you let your truck go for a longer route, you do a servicing of the truck. So that in the long route there is no problem at all. Brake failure is not dues to the carelessness of the owner or the driver it can just happen due to various causes.


While wrapping this article I would just like to tell you that if you have a truck and you use it for commercial purpose then you must take proper care of the truck. Do not just be too careless about it, it is your truck, and all responsibilities are yours.

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