best 3d car racing games
  • 5 Free Best 3D Car Racing Games for Android Devices

  • Published By:
  • Category: eSports Games
  • Published Date: July 23, 2018
  • Modified Date: March 10, 2023
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Best 3D Car Racing Games

Got a new Android device? It’s time to download some 3D games onto it. Now when talking about 3D games, racing games are a delight to play. The grinding of the metal, nitrous boosts, enthralling race tracks, burning rubber and powerful cars can excite any game lover. Therefore, we’ve prepared a list of some of the best online 3D racing games for Android devices that are available at Google Play Store.

The list is built for both serious car lovers who love genuinely and also for gamers who love to race in tracks with twists and turns. Read On!

1. Clash For Speed

clash for speed 3d car racing games

Clash for Speed 3D Car Racing Games

Clash For Speed or CFS is one of the best online 3D car racing games for Android. The game is developed by Tweaking Technologies and it is free of cost. However, to buy weapons and new vehicles, you can buy coins from the store inside game.

The game plan is to destroy all rivals and rule the racing tracks. You can shoot down rivals with the help of power ups that are scattered throughout the racing track. Other than racing and winning on different tracks, you can also design your own 3D racing tracks using track builder feature in the game. You can also place traps and obstacles to step up the level of racing.

Also, do visit the virtual in-game garage to unlock powerful cars, upgrades for engines, ammunitions, nitro-boosters, armors etc. for your car. In a nutshell, CFS is an addictive 3D car racing game.

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2. Asphalt 8 Airborne

asphalt 8 airborne car racing 3d

Asphalt 8 Airborne Car Racing 3D

We can’t ignore Asphalt 8 Airborne from the list of most amazing online 3D racing games ever. You can love this game for various reasons. Its amazing graphics, different level of gameplays, stunning bikes and cars and most challenging race tracks help this game to take the cake. You can also play this game in offline mode. Overall, you can definitely try this one.

Asphalt 8 Airborne contains in-app purchases.

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3. Drag Racing

drag racing car racing

Drag Racing Car Racing

Drag Racing is one of its kind online 3D racing game. It’s an absolute classic, where gamers can customize and upskill their cars as they wish. Again, there’s a multiplayer mode where racers can select and unlock several licensed cars. Although, it’s been quite a while the game has been released, it is still considered as one of the best 3D car racing games 2018. Drag Racing contains in-app purchases.

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4. Racing Fever

racing fever car racing games

Racing Fever Car Racing Games

Racing Fever is all about accepting challenges and earning coins. The game play is to survive the race by keeping your car in the middle of the race track. There are four types of racing environments and modes. Other than that, you can also enable slow motion and leader boards while racing. Racing Fever contains in-app purchases.

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5. GT Racing 2

gt racing 2 car racing games

GT Racing 2 Car Racing Games

Compared to other freemium games, GT Racing 2 is an easy-going 3D car racing game. In this game, a player can choose from different upgrades that can increase the performance of his/her car. They can also battle other online players in GT Racing 2. Moreover, players can customize cars with vinyl, paints and rims. GT Racing 2 contains in-app purchases.

That’s all folks! Here are the 5 best 3D car racing games that you can play on your Android device. We would love to know your experience about the games. Also, let us know if we have missed out any splendid games in our list.

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Chandra Shekhar Choudhary

By Chandra Shekhar Choudhary
who is an SEO analyst and technical Content Writer at Tweaking Technologies. His interest of writing is Android, PC tips and Mac tricks.

Member since March, 2018
View all the articles of Chandra Shekhar Choudhary.

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